Prologue Cont. Death Begets Life

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 Count Michael of Blackridge pursed his lips as he read the report on his desk, his eyes scanning through the numbers with practiced ease. It wasn't a bad report, but it wasn't the glowing review he'd been hoping for. It was instances like this that reminded him that his beloved son was not born of his own loins. Michael had never had the appetite for women that his son had, not even in his teenage years, and he was hoping his son would soon learn some restraint.

As if summoned by Michael's thoughts, Alexis burst energetically through the door to the study and made his way over to plop theatrically in a chair opposite his father. Count Michael held his tongue as the boy, sixteen now, propped his boots up on the majestic desk and smiled smugly at his father. It didn't help that Alexis knew he was attractive in the eyes of the ladies of this land, what with his tanned skin, black hair that he wore long and dark eyes it all made him exotic to the pale skinned natives of Caldrath.

"You look as though you've something to say," Michael drawled. "I hope it's not the lewd tales of your exploits with the gaggle of giggling girls I saw you taking to your room last night."

Alexis laughed. "Father, you know I don't kiss and tell!" Michael huffed into his mustache but Alexis continued on before his father could interrupt. "Though it was a pleasant enough night for us all, I assure you." Alexis grinned and placed his hands behind his head as he leaned back.

Michael sighed and placed the papers he had been reading down on his desk. "Alexis, don't you think it's time you started thinking about finding a wife? I'd like to be able to play with my grandchildren before my time is up."
Alexis let his feet fall to the floor as if in shock, but Michael knew it was all an act. "Father! I can't believe you think me ready to marry...I mean, I'm still just a child with years of dalliances ahead of me!" the young man grinned, his charming smile having no effect on the man that had raised him. Seeing that his father was not in the mood for games, Alexis leaned forward and placed his hands on the desk. "Father, must we really speak of this now? I know it's common in this country to marry at sixteen but do you honestly think I'm ready for something like that? Besides, I thought we had a contract for me to marry one of Count Halstein's daughters anyway. Surely I don't need to be out searching for a bride when one will be chosen for me by you and Count Hardass."

Michael couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips upon hearing his son's logic as well as the crude nickname for the neighboring count. "True, that contract exists, but contracts can be broken." And its likely Halstein will seek to break it now that' I've named Alexis my heir. Halstein won't want his blue blooded daughter cavorting around with a southerner. He sat back in his seat and regarded his son with a critical eye. "I know we talked about absorbing Halstein's lands at some point and making a bid for Dukedom, but I'm getting old, dear boy." Michael was seventy-seven, an age that many lived well beyond but Michael's health had been declining recently and he knew his years were numbered. He hadn't wanted to say it so bluntly to his young son just yet, but kept hoping that by bringing things like this up that his son would begin stepping up into a leadership role gradually rather than in a rush. "I want you to be happy. Marry someone you truly care for and if that means we don't go to war with our neighbors and remain a county there is no shame in that."

Alexis seemed suspicious of his father's words and narrowed his dark eyes at his father as he tried to work out what the older man was really saying. "I'm surprised, I thought you wanted us to make the bid for Dukedom not only to grow our own lands, but because Count Hardass oppresses his people and you wanted to show them a better life." Alexis didn't say it, but Michael knew the boy was smart, too smart for his own good much of the time. He knew there was more to Michael's statement and likely thought it some kind of test.

"I do, but I also realize that I can't stop all the 'bad people' in the world and I don't want you to feel like you have to live my dreams for me. I had hoped to take over Halstein's land during my reign but unfortunately it never worked out. There was always something here that needed fixing, expanding, wrangling," he said the last part while looking pointedly at Alexis. "I don't want to be that parent that forces their child to follow a path laid out for them simply because I wasn't able to accomplish it myself."

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