This was already Xiong Shu’s limit. He wouldn’t go any further. While orders were important, one’s own life was even more important!

Suddenly, Wen Qingling appeared, and Xiong Shu let out a scream. He slipped and fell from the roof of the car, and in a very ungraceful manner, he crawled and rolled forward, trying to pounce on Wen Qingling’s leg. But Wen Qingling agilely retreated, stepping on the clumsy human’s shoulder, preventing him from getting close.

When Xiao Hen appeared, he saw Xiong Shu being pinned down by Wen Qingling, still waving his arms incessantly, trying to cling to Wen Qingling’s leg, even disregarding his precious weapons.

The long knife appeared in Xiao Hen’s hand. He approached and pulled Wen Qingling away, sheathing his knife. Xiong Shu’s arms immediately went numb.

Xiao Hen had an expressionless face. “Are you awake?”

Xiong Shu gasped for breath and kept rubbing his arms. “I’m awake, I was just… just too excited. I didn’t expect the boss to really be in Ling City. There are too many zombies here, they’ve been surrounding me. I thought I would die here today, but I didn’t expect the boss to really come.”

Wen Qingling asked, “Why did you come here?”

Xiong Shu stood up from the ground, picked up his precious wooden warehouse, and said anxiously, “Something big happened, Boss. All the people you sent to transport the mutated livestock and poultry died.”

Wen Qingling’s aura sank. “What happened? Explain clearly!”

Xiong Shu felt like a thousand-pound boulder was pressing down on him. His knees went weak, his chest felt tight, and even breathing was difficult. He couldn’t speak.

Xiao Hen also felt the pressure and lightly patted Wen Qingling’s back. “Don’t worry, listen to him.”

The oppressive aura dissipated, and Xiong Shu finally managed to catch his breath. “I have no idea what happened. I was helping my little brothers transport the mutated livestock and poultry. Your people were responsible for loading the vehicles. The previous trips were all normal, but when they came back on the last trip, we found blood everywhere. Your people had turned into skeletons, and their heads were smashed.”

Indeed! They were specifically targeting individuals who were alone!

“Let’s go and take a look!” Wen Qingling said as he was about to get on Xiong Shu’s pickup truck, but was stopped by Xiao Hen.

Xiao Hen: “Hold on for a moment.”

Xiao Hen asked Xiong Shu, “Have you seen any suspicious individuals nearby?”

Xiong Shu scratched his head, “Our base is not big, and almost everyone here is familiar. I haven’t noticed any suspicious people.”

Xiao Hen: “What about within the base? Did you hear any sounds of struggle or noises coming from the weapons?”

Xiong Shu shook his head, “No, nothing. After the incident, I specifically went to the base and asked around, but no one knew what had happened.”

Xiao Hen: “…”

Wen Qingling: “…”

Is this what you can find out by asking?

Wen Qingling felt that the human underling he had found might have been a dumb bear in his past life, with a dull mind. Even if the culprit were hiding within their base, he had been deterred in advance.

Xiao Hen: “Have there been any personnel missing in the base recently?”

Xiong Shu glanced at Wen Qingling, “I’m not sure about that. I don’t handle the affairs of the base. Mo Jing is in charge of those matters.”

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