Chapter thirteen:

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"Welcome to your special training detachment..." I can hear Warlock's voice on the other side of the door in front of me as i wait for my que to join the rest of the pilots and WSO's."
"Your all TopGun graduates. The elite. The best of the best. That was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth-generation fighter has levelled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box. Half of you will make the cut. One of you will be named mission leader. The other half will remain in reserve. To up the chances of success, joining you on this mission is one of the best pilots the Navy has ever seen. Graduated first place in TopGun with the most points ever recorded. A master of every aspect in this mission. You could learn a lot from her. Lieutenant Y/n Mitchell, callsign Hawkeye." I take that as my que and push the doors open. The class is seated in an empty, open hangar so i can feel the breeze as i approach the rows of tables and chairs, one row on each side of me. When i enter the hangar, i walk confidently with my back straight and my chin high, not even glancing at the pilots watching me as i make my way to the empty seat in the front on the left side. I plop into my seat, my aviators rest on my braided hair with my left arm resting partially on the back of the chair with my legs crossed. I make sure to sit tall and proud like King Thranduil on his throne. I completely ignore the looks I'm getting from the others. Warlock gives me a nod which i return before he continues.

"Your instructor is a TopGun graduate with real-world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary. And he's considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you, may very well mean the difference between life and death. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, Callsign Maverick." Warlock says as Maverick walks through the same door i came through and up to the podium with Warlock as he steps aside to stand with Hondo.

I keep my gaze on the empty table in front of me, only listening to Maverick as i stay in the same position i sat down in, thankful that a few loose strands of hair around my face, hide my scars as i feel his gaze find me after looking over the class. No doubt Rooster's still mad at Mav for pulling his papers even though i know it wasn't his choice to. At least Hangman, Coyote and Payback looked embarrassed when they realized the guy they through out of the bar is their teacher. Well, the other two more than Hangman, he only looked embarrassed for a few seconds before going back to looking arrogant.

"The F-18 NATOPS," Mav says holding up a manual after an awkward hello, "Contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I'm assuming you know the book inside and out."

" Damn right. Yeah. Damn straight. You got it." Some reply while others including me stay silent.
Everyone sits up a little straighter except me when Mav throws the manual in the trash bin beside him, i already expected him to do something like this.
"So does your enemy. But what the enemy doesn't know, is your limits. I intend to find them, test them, push beyond. Today we'll start with what you only think you know. You show me what you're made of." He tells us.

The class is dismissed to get geared up in our flight suits. I don't raise my gaze until i stand up and turn to face the door, walking out just as confidently as i walked in despite the sharp gaze burning holes in my back. I take my new helmet out of my locker once I'm geared up.
It's now silver with dark purple arrows going from front to back with my callsign in cool writing in between. It was a gift from Uncle Ice when he figured out that i had just come back from the past. He cried and hugged me when he found out that i hadn't died after saving him.
I snap out of my thoughts when other pilots enter the locker room. I shut my locker and head out to the hangar to get to my jet. I can hear Rooster and Maverick behind me.

"Rooster." He ignores Mav and keeps walking.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw!" He calls a little louder, Rooster finally stops, turning around to face Mav, both have aviators covering their eyes.
"Yes, sir." He asks.
"Let's not do it like this." Maverick says calmly, standing right in front of Rooster. I slow my pace to listen in.
"You gonna wash me out?" Rooster asks.
"That'll be up to you, not me." He answers.
"Am i dismissed?" Rooster asks, no emotion portrayed on his face or in his voice.
Without another word, Rooster storms by me as he goes to his jet, unaware that all eyes were on him and Mav.
"Hawkeye." I hear his voice call behind me. 'And speed up' I think as I walk faster to my jet.
"Y/n." I ignore him as I make it to the side of my jet, helmet in hand.
"Y/n Mitchell!" He calls louder as he stands only a few feet behind me when I turn around, my arms crossed, he's no longer wearing his glasses.
"What?" I ask simply.
"How'd you get your callsign?" He asks, with a tilt of his head, crossing his own arms.
"Ice helped me pick it out." I take a few steps closer so I'm maybe a foot away from him. "He said I reminded him of someone." I say with a shrug even though I know Ice meant Marshall. Maverick gets a look I can't decipher but I can tell he's trying to figure out what I meant. Watching him try to figure it out, i can't help but feel smug because according to Ice, i know how Mav felt about Marshall and how anything to do with his 'lost' friend can rattle him a little.
Without saying more I turn away, climbing into my jet to prepare to fly.
Y/n sits in her plane, checking controls, doing safety checks and strapping in, doesn't notice her father, now in his jet, watching her. He struggles to push down the pain of loosing Marshall as his heart and chest clench and tighten whenever he thinks of his friend.
Loosing Goose was hard, his best friend, his family. But when Marshall turned their duo into a trio, it was like she understood Mav on a whole other level. She could figure out things not even Goose could. It absolutely crushed Mav's heart when he and Ice returned from that fateful mission, to hear the news no one wants to hear.
The sound of the jet beside him wakes Maverick up from his daydream. He rubs his hands on his face, hoping none of the tears collected in his eyes fell. He shakes his head and starts his jet engine.

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