Chapter one

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( i don't own any of the characters except my own and the story will be following the original plot of top gun for the most part

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( i don't own any of the characters except my own and the story will be following the original plot of top gun for the most part. Also sorry if my writing is a bit all over the place, I haven't written a lot of stories before.)

BEEP . . . BEEP . . . BEEP . . .

Lights were flashing alarms were beeping

" OH SHUT UP!" Y/N or Hawkeye yells at the aircraft.

Y/N sees the ground getting closer and ejects hitting her head on the way out.

                                                                                      Y/N POV

I open my eyes and realize im on the ground. Y/N slowly gets up and looks around.
' this doesn't look like the same place i crashed in'

I take my dark purple helmet off letting my dark hair flow in its french braid
Her green eyes scan her surroundings until she spots the Top Gun base in the distance.

" Well, may as well head there then, also this is wierd as hell." she says to herself and starts walking towards the sound of fighter jets while thinking about how the heck she got here.

Y/N now stands in front of the huge Top Gun building in confusion, the building looks like it did back in the 1980's. She looks around her and notices a small group of guys to the left of the main enterance but what she found strange was that they were all wearing the old suits instead of the usual newer ones. Looking down she sees her uniform is now the same ones the other guys are wearing.

" What the f*ck!" she says whisper yells at herself.

The group of guys break off and two head in her direction. Thinking quick she hides behind a giant stone that has the words "Top Gun" carved into it.
She takes this time to get a look at the two, who she assumed were pilots. The first one was fairly taller than the second, had light hair and a mustache. The second was shorter and had dark hair and green eyes and . . . facial features that looked oddly like hers. Okay, thats strange. She continues to watch them stand talk and goof around.

" I don't know Mav, we better not blow this" the tall one says

" Oh don't worry Goose, we'll be just fine. Now lets head to the bar." "Mav" says

Y/N ducks back behind the stone as Mav and Goose walk away. " Mav and Goose?" she whispers to herself. " Mav . . . MAVERICK! That was Maverick. My Father. And his supposedly dead best friend Goose." Y/N sat there on the lush green grass wide-eyed. She's at Top Gun, "and by the looks of it, i might be in the 1980's because thats the only explanation for young Mav and alive Goose" Y/N is internally freaking out. After calming herself she decided to follow Maverick and Goose.

" Sh*t, I need to change my clothes first." Y/N groans. I feel strange and look down. My clothes are now a pair of dark blue jeans a (your fav color) t-shirt and a (black or brown) leather jacket.
" The f*ck is happening!"

Before leaving to the bar I go into the Top Gun building and sign up under a fake name, knowing I can't exactly use the name Y/N Mitchell, I changed it to Y/N Marshall. I know it's not the most creative fake name but come on, i'm not a secret agent.

I head to the bar and watch all the pilots chat, argue, and flirt when I see Slider and Uncle, . . . I mean Iceman, . . i better be careful, I can't slip up or that would ruin everything, . . . approach Maverick and Goose so I decide to move closer to the conversation to listen in. I decide to join in when i hear Iceman say . . .

"So have you figured it out yet?"

"What's that?"

"Who's the best pilot?"

" I believe that would be me guys." I say which makes the four of them turn their heads towards me.

" And who are you?" Iceman asked clearly not believing me when I said I was the best.

" Names Y/N Marshall, callsign, Hawkeye or Hawk for short."

" Your a pilot?" I turn to Maverick and tell him I am indeed a pilot and am one of the best with a smirk on my face. (how can u not be the best when your trained by both Iceman and Maverick)

" Yeah right." Slider scoffs and starts to walk away with Ice. I'm still facing Mav but not looking at him when I say

" I'm sorry, I believe we got off on the wrong foot," I turn around to face Slider with a fake kind smile, Mav and Goose are watching as i extend my hand out for Slider to shake. He looks around hesitantly before grabbing my hand. When he does, I swing my legs, flip him onto the floor (like black widow in ironman 2) and gracefully stand as he lays groaning on the floor in a heap. I turn to the remaining three to see their shocked faces.

" It would be wise, Ice, to never underestimate your opponent." I turn to leave with a final " Watch your back" to Ice.

" This is going to be great" Y/N says to herself when she leaves back to where she's staying.

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