Chapter five:

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A few days later, Y/n is sitting in her plane looking for any sign of Maverick and Ice.

" What's the matter boys, afraid to do more pushups?" I ask over the comms.

All of a sudden both Ice and Mav speed past her. It takes 30 minutes before Mav and Ice manage to catch Y/n by suprise and get target lock on her.

On the way back to the ground, Mav and Ice pull up beside her.

" I believe that's 300 pushups for ya' Hawkeye. " Mav says with a grin.

I shake my head with a smile.

" Down, 200, Down, 201..." Viper counts out my pushups.

Maverick and Ice come over, but i try to ignore them, focused on getting my pushups done. As i listen to Viper count, i suddenly feel a heavy weight on my back that pushes me to the ground. Turning, i see Mav standing with his foot on my back with a grin on his face and Ice comes over and crouches infront of me with a wide grin on his face.

" Come on Hawk, keep going." he teases. I glance at Mav before i try to keep going, pushing as hard as i can against the weight of Mav's foot.
When i get one pushup in with Mav's foot on me, he takes it off. I'm sitting there resting on my forearms when both of them get on either side of me and get on their hands and knees. They begin doing the rest of the pushups with me, both keeping me going until all 300 of them are done.
All of us collapse onto the ground with a laugh.

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