Shame, Shame, Shame

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Forgive me if this ends up not being good

I really support her

I don't know if this is a trigger or not but: body-shaming mentioned, criticism, bullying, struggles of being a hormonal teenager while being an involuntary superhero, cheating, shit college boyfriend, not smut but mentions of sex, IDK?

hope you enjoy

Now Marinette is 17

She's angry



Cat Noir left

No, it wasn't entirely her fault, but yes, she's made mistakes

Who hasn't?

She's a teenager for crying out loud

Why do people keep expecting her to be perfect?

She's trying her best

As a hero who's been forced into this with no real mentor or choice, she wasn't given the right to make mistakes

Nor was she given proper instruction

She learned martial arts and fighting techniques from muscle memory, trying(and sometimes failing) desperately to not die, and from mini gods and ghost apparitions

She's died

Watched the people she loves die

She's heard rumors from other classmates

People shame her left and right

The media criticizes her every chance they get

"New Headlines: Ladybug slowing down?"

"Can Ladybug function without Cat Noir?"

"Questions rising about how Paris' now single savior will be able to survive"

"Wasn't it Ladybug's fault that Monarch got the miraculous? Even if it was temporary"

"Maybe Paris needs new protection"

"Ladybug's performance dwindling"

The list went on and on

From the news to social media

Even with things that weren't related to Hawkmoth

Some people care more about Ladybug's body shape than any other important issues

"Is it just me or has Ladybug been taking steroids?"

"Sorry, but Ladybug is too buff for me. Not feminine enough? Isn't she supposed to represent girl power or something?"

"How come she's so short? I stood next to her once and she didn't even reach my shoulder. Not to mention she was out of breath and bloody. Ruined my favorite shirt and didn't even apologize. #concerned for my safety and disgusted"

"Never thought Paris' savior would get boob implants. Must be desperate to get Cat Noir back."

"Not realistic. Muscles aren't curvy like that."

"Skip leg day. Too bottom heavy"

To say the least, people can be, for lack of a better term: mean

Now on top of saving Paris Marinette had more body image insecurities

Not even just now

First, she had always been "too short for people"

Then, she was "too flat"

Then puberty kicked in a little harder

It was up one cup, next thing she knew she was having frequent chest pains from the sudden new "developments"

Breasts can be a pain sometimes

She inherited her father's genes, having a significant increase in muscle mass in comparison to frame and size with strenuous physical activity

Did I mention she was a superhero who frequently had to bench press cargo trucks daily??

That muscle mass also meant weight increase


Guess who got picked on for that?


Later on

Her first college boyfriend:

Wes Glenn

She loved him

After opening up to him and him to her, Marinette finally thought she could at least take a breath

BTW she's 19

She put so much effort into that relationship

She didn't pressure him and tried her best to set boundaries

She didn't want to seem selfish, but she surely wasn't naive


She and Wes went further than kissing

Not entirely since Marinette wasn't ready, but deeper than a couple of kisses

Wes also saw some exposed skin and the scars that decorated those areas

Mari heard from Wes' best guy friend about what Wes had said behind Marinette's back

About how Marinette was "a lot heavier than I would have liked"

Or how she "went too slow for me"

"Too scared to suck me off like a real woman"

She didn't want to believe it

But she wouldn't let herself be foolish

So she went to confront Wes

She stopped by her apartment first to refresh

She didn't expect Wes to be there

On her bed

Having loud sex with her fashion professor

Who was twice Wes' age

In her sheets

With god knows what on her pillows

After feeling what felt like her heart shattering, Marinette threw them both out


One in each arm

She cried for 18 hours straight

One whole year of her life wasted on some douchebag who was good at covering up the fact that he only wanted Marinette for her money and body

Why did the universe hate her so much?

She knew she messed up when she had a crush on Adrien all those years ago.

But she recognized that.

Accepted that it was wrong.

Made verbal and physical efforts to never do that again.

Was that not enough?

And having to have managed to save a city time and time again, many times by herself.

Who doesn't make mistakes when they're a teenager?


Maybe she deserved it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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