Never Enough for Me

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In this story Marinette/Ladybug is 17

Hawkmoth was recently defeated a few weeks ago

After years of research, working with her team and the police, and guardian training she finally figured out who he was

After escorting a subdued Gabriel Agreste into an army truck (like the one for villains on tv?) She and her team stood there letting it sink in

After 4 years of pain, trauma, death, blood, and pure hell, they finally managed to defeat the cause of it all

After making the announcement to the citizens of Paris and clearing Adriens name (cause even tho he messed up he was still innocent regarding Hawkmoth being his dad) Ladybug and her team regrouped on the top of the Eiffel tower

Ladybug gave each team member a choice since she trusted them: keep the miraculous permanently and use it for the greater good, or relinquish the miraculous and live as if they never existed for their safety

Of course everyone decided to keep them

Ladybug gave them this choice because it is one she was never given, even before Hawkmoth was defeated, she made sure each team member wasn't just thrown into this without a choice like she was

Ladybug was crouching on top of the Eiffel tower. It had become her new favorite place since the one she had with Cat Noir brought up too many painful memories. She reflected on herself from when she started to where she was now.

From when she made stupid decisions because of false judgement regarding her stalkerish obsession with Adrien, to when she finally moved on from him when he failed to be the friend he claimed to be, preferring she keep quiet about Lila's lies instead of helping the former friends lila corrupted. From when she left Cat Noir in the dark, to telling him about Cat Blanc and consulting him about her choices, just like she promised.

Even revealing their identities. And how Adrien saw this as a chance to finally start the romantic relationship he wanted instead of the reason for her finally letting down her walls and understanding each other: to grasp a deeper meaning of how they worked as partners and how they could help each other be better to defeat Hawkmoth.

Master Suhan (bald guy from the show) Tikki, and even Plagg talked with Marinette about Adriens behavior. How Cat Noir rebuffed change. She talked with him about adding people to the team. How they were a select few whom she knew she could trust with her life blindly. (Luka, Kagami, Chloe, Nino, and Nathaniel. Alix was bunnyx and would never use the miraculous unless she absolutely had to. But she was still trained under Marinette and Master Suhan)

When Ladybug explained her thought process Cat Noir rejected the idea saying the two of them were enough. He then yelled at her saying that it was because of her stupid mistake that Hawkmoth had temporarily gotten the miracle box in the first place.

Almost crying Ladybug flinched but composed herself stating that Hawkmoth's akumatised victims were getting stronger and even with the help of police, death rates would still be high (ex. Syren) Also accounting for patrol. Sometimes Cat Noir wouldn't show up then not tell her why he didn't come.

This would be random and mess up Marinettes already messed up sleep schedule because Paris is a large city to patrol. She said that with more teammates time spent fighting akumas and injury would decrease. Also patrol would be more spilt up allowing them to be more efficient and get more sleep especially when Hawkmoth was a really bad ass and attacked multiple times at 3 in the morning. Poor Marinette had to fight those all by herself and Luka had just convinced her to start taking more care of herself.

After a two more arguments about this Marinette took the miraculous away from him and erased his memories. (I mean not all decisions are easy that's just life) At this point Master Suhan has been intensely training Marinette for a year.

She was a fast, dedicated, disciplined, and determined learner so she learned in one year what it would take most adults 2-3. She was trained in meditation, different fighting techniques (martial arts, archery, weapons arsenal etc. and even linguistics) and deciphering the grimore to unlock new powers. What she learned she taught to her team since Suhan would only train her because she was guardian.

It was hard but Marinette had good leadership skills and made it work. After two more years of fighting and putting the pieces together they finally put an end to Hawkmoths reign of terror. Emile was finally put to rest, Nathalie died, Gorilla found new work, and Adrien was sent to live with his Aunt in London.

Ladybug was still reflecting but couldn't help but be hard on herself. She criticized herself for not being able to find out who Hawkmoth was sooner especially since he was right under their noses. She had a hard time accepting her mistakes and even with her friends encouraging her that without them she wouldn't be here today, she still hated herself.

She long ago apologized to Luka about their breakup, and even though he forgave her he knew that despite her hiding it, she still felt massively guilty. And Master Fu..........

His memories got erased by a mistake she made, Cat Blanc was basically her fault, before she knew it she was relapsing. All those efforts made by her team to teach her healthy coping mechanisms. She couldn't help it and started silently crying, all those nightmares she couldn't get out of her head, dying more than once, flashbacks of dead lifeless bodies, how all that suffering could have ended sooner had she just been a little more........

"Habibiti" Damian or right now Robin stated firmly. (Yes they are together. After she went out of Paris to a gala almost 2 years back with Jagged to talk to Bruce Wayne about a possible commission they met.

It was horrible, at Wayne Manor he thought she was an assistant and criticized her when he found out she was a superhero. She had a hard time but managed to accept his personality, but was deep down hurt at his harshness. After multiple visits she stated that she didn't dislike him, but in most cases merely reflected in a way what he gave to her.

When he saw how many scars she had and how she still treated him as an equal despite his attitude, he saw her differently. They slowly became friends despite wanting more. When they were alone in his art room he told her how he felt. He made sure she knew she wasn't obligated to feel the same way, unlike Cat Noir. But she kissed him instead of saying how she felt because she knew she would never get the words out.

They've been together almost a year and Damian was visiting post Hawkmoth defeat for Batman to see how the city was doing. He was mainly doing it to see his Angel again)


"Habibiti" Damian or Robin stated firmly. "You are spiraling again." LB wasn't fazed by his sudden appearance, but rather how he knew that. "How did you even know?" She asked trying to subtly wipe her tears ( in vain). He sighed and sat down next to her. "I just know beloved." He said wiping her tears with his thumb.

He pulled her close and hugged her. She felt a little better and looked up at him. "I don't deserve you." She whispered. Damian shook his head. "No it is I who does not deserve you." He said leaning in. "But I swear on my life I will spend the rest of it earning your heart." Marinette blushed but didn't look away. "I will too." She closed the distance and started crying again but this time tears of joy.

Damian, her friends, the Kwamiis, and even Master Suhan were all important to her as they all contributed to her being here today. Lila, Adrien, and Hawkmoth taught her lessons that made her adapt and become a better person and hero.

And for the first time in her life she finally realized: that she was enough.

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