On the Rooftop Part Three (little smut?)

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Damian's POV:

Ok nevermind.

Angel had apparently finished her route first.

Fine by me.

Wait no. Tt. stupid nervousness.

"Hi." I blurted. Blurted? What is this girl doing to me?
She smiled at me and greeted me back.


I sat down beside her. Her perfume flowed around her. It was entoxicating. She was... Wait. That's inappropriate. Dammit. I saw her shiver out the corner of my eye. I couldn't let her freeze. Alfred would kill me. That Kagami girl would kill me if I didn't treat her right. Her whole team would.

"May I warm you up?"

Angel turned her head towards me. Those eyes. Focus Damian. She paused then scooted towards me. I slowly wrapped my cape around her with one arm to make sure this was ok. She relaxed against me. Marinette was small compared to me. Basically half my size, although I did have another growth spurt. I was a foot and 3 inches taller than her 5 foot nothing stature. She was so soft. I started spiraling about her again. Her mystical Grey eyes with a hint of blue that sparkled in the light. Her silky hair. Small yet powerful. I'm somewhat ashamed to say I got turned on when she occasionally takes me down during sparring. Muscular curves with swelling hips. When she was pressed against me during an Akuma attack.
I'm sorry Alfred. Please don't kill me I'm not a complete pervert I know how to control myself.

Her sweet voice interrupted my thoughts, "Robin?"

I looked down to acknowledge her.

"I-I can't thank you enough for all that you've done while in Paris. You've helped everyone so much, including me.... Thank you. I'm sorry." She suddenly hugs me.


Really tight.

I think she's crying.

I hug her back trying to sooth her sobs. My heart aches for her.

This isnt just strong feelings.

This isn't a long time crush.

I think I love her.


I know I love her.

Marinette. Ladybug. All of her.

Her flaws, her personality, her past, her mistakes. Even her beauty. I love this girl.


I'll do anything to make her happy. Even if I have to let her go.

I get that her team has been through a lot. Things they shouldn't have had to. But Marinette was better at hiding it. I saw straight through her.

I understood her rage towards the Justice League. Towards Kent and Jordan who rejected her desperate begs for help. She knew she was a teenager who was in too deep. But after being ignored like that. She stepped up. Way up. She trained and learned at a pace that astonished literal gods. Even if they were small. But still gods.

I kissed her head and held her in my lap. Like a baby.

Damn you Richard. But thank you. Although I'll never tell you that.

After some moments she calmed down. I wiped her tears gently. Marinette looked up at me. Into my heart, my soul. I never wanted this to end.

I was scared.


I've never let anyone get this close.

Not even Gray-Richard. I was scared that she wouldn't feel the same way. That she wasn't ready for love. I would never know unless I told her.

I held her face at a respectable distance from mine. "L-Marinette Dupain-Cheng," I whispered, "I....I love you."

Marinette smiled as her eyes filled with tears again.

So much pain.




I barely comprehended at first until I realized her lips were on mine.
In fact.

She was on top of me.

Straddling my lap, fingers laced through my hair.

So sweet.

And warm.

I held her waist as I let her take control. She sighed. And slipped her tongue in my mouth. Now I was pleasantly surprised. She tugged at my hair. Just as I groaned she pulled away. Plump wet lips flushed.

That damn smile. "I love you Damian."

I'm sure I had the dumbest smile on my face but I didn't care. I hugged her tight. I stood up and spun her around above me. She laughed. Really laughed. It was genuine not fake. She looked happy. And it was because of me. This was the best day of my life.

No it wasn't.

The best day of my life?

That would be the day she becomes my wife.

I couldn't imagine loving any other woman besides her.

I set her down and kissed her again.


She gasped.

Then whimpered.

Then moaned into my mouth.

I wouldn't go too far. Oh most definitely not yet.

I would at least savor this moment. This kiss. This woman whom I don't deserve, who decided to give me the key to her heart knowing full well of the risks of me breaking it.

If I did break her heart?

I'd break myself.

Faster than anyone ever could.

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