𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒, 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬

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With Anastasia going to train with Riku, no one could have guessed that so many things would happen in two years.

Danger, excitement, and friendship! Oh, what a glorious delight!

But, like all things, life hits you with things you'd never expect.

And sometimes, it requires you to make difficult choices.


While Anastasia was away, Alexandria found herself working for Jasper at a local tavern. She found the job quite nice, despite the weird or perverted patrons that came in every now and then. 

For six months, everything seemed alright.

Cleaning up one rainy night, Alexandria noticed the absence of Ms. Deadlock. Jasper had previously mentioned that she would be out with a few of her "mates" including Ryuu, the young boy from the dinner event. Alexandria took note of how he acted like he was her age, but he only looked to be about 17.

With nothing left to do, she started to close up the tavern. She was used to working by now, but it was a new sensation to not steal from every wealthy prick that stepped on the cobblestone streets.

Alexandria took in a deep breath, enjoying the peacefulness of being alone, until a familiar man walked through the door.

Thomas brushed off his coat, and then took notice of Alexandria. "Oh my! I didn't expect you to be out this late." He commented, his dark hair slicked back. 

Of course, the one night Alexandria feels she will achieve true calm, her crush walks through the door. She didn't understand why she felt this way towards this man, she knew she'd be a fool to fall for his charms.

Thomas sat down at the bar, looking at Alexandria. "Herr Thomas, I have worked here for quite some time. It should not be a miracle to see me after the sun goes down." Alexandria replied, grabbing a bottle of whiskey. 

Thomas chuckled, he found Alexandria rather amusing. "Herr...is that used in place of 'Mister'?"

"It is German. You have no need to be so obtuse." she answered, pouring the whiskey into a shot glass and sliding it over to Thomas.

"German, that explains the accent." He said, raising the glass as if to make a toast, and then drinking it.

It had been about a month or so that Alexandria started working at this tavern, and upon hearing about this new job, Thomas had become a regular of sorts. At any given moment, he would try to be friendly, or perhaps bold, towards Alexandria. It always felt as if he was taunting her.

"Yes. You're not the first to comment on it. You will surely not be the last." Alexandria said with a bit of annoyance tainting her voice.

"No no, you misunderstand," Thomas hastily replied. "I find your voice to be that of a melody. But your accent is so peculiar I could not quite place where you were from. Your English is, very good!" he laughed.

Alexandria blushed, she turned away to avoid his gaze. "I thank you. But please, flattery is not what I wish to receive from you."

"Oh? And why not?" Thomas tilted his head curiously, a smirk painted on his face.

"Because, you hardly know who I am, what I am, or where I am from. All this flattery is for an image you have of me." She said, trying to sound cold. But it came off as rather, melancholy.
"....Thomas, I.."

"You what, Miss Alexandria?" Thomas inquired, listening to her talk.

Alexandria placed a hand softly on her own bonnet. For the time she'd lived in England, she had to wear a bonnet or a veil out in public to hide her ears. She could never let Thomas know what she was, he would probably tell the church, shun her, or worse, never have a chance at loving her back.

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