Chapter 7

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April 25th

Scarlett's pov

I woke up with a text from Lizzie offering me to grab a coffee at a coffee shop she newly discovered. I agreed and started to get ready. I headed out, took my car to meet my best friend. When I arrived, we ordered our coffee and decided to take a walk in the park I passed by on my way here.

Lost in the story Lizzie was telling me, I nearly collided with a familiar face: a woman I recognized from Comic Con, Y/N. I quickly regained my composure, offering them a smile as I greeted them. "Hey, sorry about that. Didn't see you there," I chuckled, stepping aside to let them pass. "It's no problem at all," she reassured me with a friendly smile. 

Lizzie, ever the social butterfly, seized the opportunity to engage her further. "Hey, I recognize you, you were at Comic Con with your daughter right?". As soon as Y/N nodded, she added "Would you mine if we joined you?"

Y/N glanced back a woman that I recognize as well, who nodded in agreement, before turning back to us. "Sure, that sounds lovely. Come on" she replied graciously, leading us to the bench where the woman was sat. 

We engaged in light conversation, exchanging pleasantries and discussing our respective days. As the conversation flowed, the woman with Y/N, who I learned was named Brooke, leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Y/N's cheek, murmuring, "I have to go, I have a meeting with MK and Ash. I'll see you at home."

Y/N smiled affectionately at Brooke and nodded. "Alright, see you later," she responded before turning her attention back to our group.

Lizzie's curiosity was piqued by Brooke's departure. "Wait, you're Brooke? You're the one that needed the extra ticket, right?" she asked, her eyes widening in realization.

"Yeah, that's me. And thanks again for the ticket. It was for Y/N. She wanted to surprise Vic," Brooke explained, smiling gratefully at Lizzie.

Y/N nodded in agreement before turning to us. "Yes, Thank you for that. Actually, we should be heading home soon. I promised to cook dinner for everyone," she announced, standing up from the bench.

"Sounds delicious. We'll definitely take you up on that offer," Lizzie chimed in, flashing a playful grin.

After bidding us farewell, Y/N, Vic and Brooke began to make their way out of the park. As they walked away, Lizzie nudged me with her elbow, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I couldn't help but notice a hint of jealousy there, Scar," she teased, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes playfully. "What? No, I wasn't jealous," I protested, though the slight flush creeping up my cheeks betrayed my true feelings.

Lizzie chuckled knowingly, leaning in closer. "Come on, Scar. You can't fool me. I saw the way you were looking at Y/N and the daggers you threw to Brooke when she kissed her" she teased, nudging me again.

"Okay, maybe I was a little jealous," I admitted with a sheepish grin. "But can you blame me? She's gorgeous, and they seem so close."

Lizzie nodded in understanding before a mischievous gleam entered her eyes. "Well, if you're interested, why don't you come with me to my sister's party next week? We can ask them if they know what is the relationship between Y/N and Brooke. Plus, I heard Brooke will be there as well with a + one. That might be Y/N " she suggested.

I paused, considering her offer. The idea of attending a party with Lizzie was enticing, and it would give me the opportunity to get to know Y/N better. Plus, it might help alleviate some of my curiosity about her relationship with Brooke.

"Okay, sounds like a plan," I agreed, a sense of anticipation building within me.

With our plans set, Lizzie and I continued to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the park, basking in the warmth of the late afternoon sun. As we watched children play and couples stroll by, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the upcoming party and the chance to unravel the mysteries surrounding Y/N and Brooke's relationship.

Little did I know, the events of the party would set into motion a series of unexpected twists and turns that would forever change the course of our lives. But for now, as I sat beside Lizzie in the park, I allowed myself to simply enjoy the present moment, relishing in the company of a dear friend and the promise of exciting adventures yet to come.

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