Prologue (Starflight):

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All Starflight could see was darkness.

That was how it had been, since the volcano that had been home to the NightWings erupted.

He was lucky that he had the friends that he did. Clay had rescued him from the lava, saving his life.

Now, Starflight wore a scarf over his eyes. It wasn't just because he couldn't see, but because he was worried that his scars would be too much for other dragons to handle.

Starflight worked as the librarian at Jade Mountain Academy, even though most dragons doubted he could handle it.

Starflight was helping a student find a scroll one day, when he heard his name being called.

"Starflight, there's someone here to see you," Tsunami's voice rang out.

"One second, let me just answer this dragonet's questions first." Starflight said in reply. "Now, Alder, which scroll were you looking for again?"

"The one about SkyWing history," Alder answered softly.

Starflight chuckled. "There's quite a few scrolls on SkyWing history, do you know the name of the scroll you wanted?"

"I think it was called 'The SkyWing Timeline'..." Alder whispered.

Starflight swept his talons across the bookshelves, feeling for the shelf that he needed.

He hit a series of short dots, and smiled. This new dot language thing is useful in some ways, he thought to himself.

"This should be the right shelf," Starflight told Alder. He grabbed one of the scrolls. "Is this the one you're looking for?"

"Yes," Alder replied gratefully. "Thank you."

"No problem," Starflight said. "I'll put it down on your library card."

Alder nodded, and quickly left the library.

"Alright, Tsunami, send them in," Starflight called out. He could hear the clicking of talons as a dragon walked towards him.

"Starflight, I finished welcoming the students in, is there anything I can do to help?" Starflight heard a cheerful voice say.

Fatespeaker's back again... Starflight thought. I wonder why she didn't ask Tsunami if she could help. Tsunami's the head of school, after all...

"I predicted that you'd have something for me to do," Fatespeaker commented.

Starflight rolled his eyes under his scarf. I don't think she can actually predict the future like Moon could, but there should be something here that she could do...

"I mean, you could help me reorganize this new pile of scrolls we just got," Starflight suggested.

"Sure!" Fatespeaker replied. "Is it the pile in the corner?"

"I believe so," Starflight answered. "Wait, which corner?"

"The corner over by the SilkWing nest things." Fatespeaker said. "Sorry, Starflight, I should have specified..."

"It's alright." Starflight responded kindly. "Yes, that's the right pile. Each scroll should have a label saying which shelf it goes on."

"Alright," Fatespeaker affirmed. Starflight heard the talon noises grow softer as they traveled farther away.

He walked back to his station, and prepared for whatever student would come in next.

Fate of the Stars: A Starspeaker StoryWhere stories live. Discover now