"Good afternoon, sleepy head," Eda said to get their attention.

Raine turned and saw their wife walking towards them before she sat down next to them, "Did I miss the game?"

Eda chuckled in response, "Oh you missed more than that! Hunter asked Willow to marry him after that, and she said, Yes."

Hearing that got Raine's attention, "Really? I can't wait to see Camila and Darius' reaction!"

"Well I think Luz told them individually already so you might have missed it," Eda replied.

Raine smiled and their head, "You could have woke me up, you know."

"You've been so busy lately I wanted to let you sleep in," Eda said as she laid her head on Raine's shoulder.

Raine looked at Eda with concern, "Something is bothering you isn't it?" They knew her well enough to know when something serious was on her mind.

"Well…" Eda started to say before pausing and thinking about what her and Lilith talked about.

Raine wrapped an arm around Eda, "It's ok, you can tell me anything."

Eda mentally prepared herself and then started talking, "It's just that you've been so busy with everything lately and it's worrying me. I'm proud of you for everything you've been able to do, I just wish you would take it easy for a bit. Also, we haven't had any us time in a while."

Raine felt bad listening to Eda. They knew that they hadn't been as available as they wanted to. They also were very overworked so to speak. They also knew that Eda wasn't trying to guilt-trip them; she just missed and was worried about them.

Raine moved to look Eda in the eyes "Today me, Darius and Alador have to remove the last of the sigils. After that, I'll take a few weeks off and just relax."

"Really? How many more do you have left to remove?" Eda asked.

"Darius estimated somewhere between 20 and 40," Raine answered, "But what about teaching the bard class at the university?"

"I'll figure that out," Eda said, since it was her university it only made sense for her to find a replacement or at least a substitute.

"Now." Raine grabbed Eda's hands, "Let's talk about time for just the two of us."

Eda blushed, she kind of just let that come out since she was already talking to them about this. "Sorry, I know that was selfish of me."

"No no no! It's not!" Raine replied, "How about this, let's plan a date night for sometime later this week, just the two of us. How does that sound?"

"That sounds fun!" Eda exclaimed and hugged her partner.

"Oh no, did I come in at a bad time?" They heard King say as he walked to the couple.

Eda rolled her eyes, "Oh, hush you." she said as she rubbed his head playfully.

"We were just talking," Raine informed King.

"Hey, Eda didn't you tell Lilith you wanted to ask Raine about a certain thing?"

Eda blushed and gasped in shock, "You heard that? I thought you were sleeping."

"I was on and off," King replied, "It’s kind of a normal thing I do."

Raine looked at Eda with a very curious and confused expression, "What else did you wanna talk about?"

Eda rubbed her temples, "King, will you give us a minute?" she asked.

"Say no more," King replied and did what he was asked and went back upstairs to let the couple talk some more.

Eda turned her attention back to Raine, "There was something that we never talked about even before we married that's been on my mind."

"What's that?"

"I know we have Luz and King and we wouldn't trade them in for anything in the world, but did you ever think about having kids of our own?"

Raine went wide-eyed and blushed. They didn't expect their wife to ask her something like, "I-I-I never really thought of it, did you want to?"

Eda blushed as well, "I don't know. I mean as fast as Luz and Boots have been going I expect them to have kids soon, and it would be odd if their kid had an aunt or uncle around the same age," Eda paused for a second to collect her thoughts, "But if you want to..."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Raine gently grabbed Eda's face and placed a gentle kiss on her lips which Eda quickly returned.

They broke the kiss and rested their heads against each other "We have all the time in the world to think about it, for now, let's just let whatever happens happen," They said, giving Eda a gentle smile as Raine hugged her.

Eda smiled back. She knew no matter what happens everything will be okay. Then she unexpectedly asks something that shocks Raine, "Do you want to expand the Owl House? Who knows how many kids we might have, plus there’s all the family reunions and get-together gatherings?"

Raine’s eyes widened, "Sure." Raine approves to Eda, who smiles at her suggestion.


(Authors notes: Ok I have a few post-chapter notes: 1) I do plan on doing wedding chapters for the other couples but idk if I'm gonna do those as part of this story or make those a separate story, let me know what you all would like. 2) I actually don't plan on giving Eda and Raine kids I just needed to fill this chapter out. Luz amd King fill that void just fine)

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