part two of the forest of death.

Start from the beginning

Soon Melody found Sasuke and Sakura and jumped down where Sasuke is on edge.

Sasuke: Sakura! Melody!

Sakura: Sasuke what was that?

Sasuke: Stay there.
First answer the question, when does a ninja strike.

Sakura and Melody: A ninja waits untill the time is right.
When the enemy sleeps and drops his gaurd, when his weapin lay forgotten in the stillness of the night, that is the moment for the ninja to strike.

This let Sasuke know this is actaully Sakura and his crush.

Sasuke: Good.

But then Naruto appeared.

Naruto: Hey! Are you guys okay!

Sakura: Don't come any closer!
What the password?

But then Naruto was somehow abke to answer the password making Sasuke and Melody to figure out this isn't the real Naruto again because Naruto can't even remember such a l9ng password even after a few minutes.
He just staright up forgets.

Sasuke threw a kuni at the fake Naruto who dodges confsuing tye fake and Sakura on why the uchiha did that.

Melody mind: Even though this Naruto faker does a better justu transformation then the last one, this faker is dumb enough not to know that their friend can't even remember such long passwords.

Naruto: What was that?!
You could of killed me!

Sasuke: Got it hand it to you, your quicker then the last one!

Sakura: What are you talking adout?
What was wrong with that?

Melody groaned in annoyence, she can't believe Sakura is so dumb that he forgot that Naruto can't remmeber long passwords and she was suppost to be the smater one.

Sakura: He just got the password right! Word for word.

Sasuke: Exactly thats whats wrong.

This made Sakura confused even more.

Melody: Did you hit your head Sakura or did you forget that Naruto can't even remember such a long password.
He even mentoin it eariler as he said  he wanted a shorter answer to the password.

Sasuke: Melody right.
You really think Naruto can amswer all that? And get it word for word.
Not the Naruto I know, not in a million years.
You have a better chance teaching it to an hamster.

This made Sakura realised again for the second time.

Sakura: Oh right, you got a point.
Beside you say the way this guy moved when he dodge my attack, that was defintly not a Naruto move.
Alright come on out whoever you are, partys over!

This made tye fake Nafuto drop their act and smirked realiving their true female voice.

Fake naruto: Aren't we the clever one's?

Then in a puff of smoke to show it was the female Grass from before.

Grass ninja: Tell me.
If your team mate really that dimwitted.
Why would you come up with a password, that he'll never be able to remember?

Sasuke: You see it wasn't meant for Naruto, so much for any body who might happen to be near by trying to ease drop on us.
It was meant as a trap and you stumble right into it.

Grass ninja: I'm impressed.
You ceritenly haven't dropped your gaurd have you?
This promise to be very entertaining.

The creepy ninja then licks her licks making Sakura and Melody shdder in disguist of even seeing it.

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