17 • baby

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Months passed , you were showing but fortunately due to your clothing it wasn't very obvious at all. And only clear to those who knew. The Queen was aware and was super excited to know she had another grandchild on the way, her fourth to be exact. However the due date was getting closer, meaning you had to leave the palace soon.

There had been no active tries to harm you in recent months but that didnt make you feel comfortable. The plan was to fake an argument between you and Seongnam, causing you to leave to go stay with your family. Your ladies in waiting going with you.

However you had to make the argument believable especially in a place full of spies. You and Seongnam sat in your room , having some lunch.

"I was thinking of bringing in a new wife."


"Come on, Y/n it's not unusual."

"A new wife? I'm your wife."

"You've not given me a single child and we've been together for over a year now."

"It doesn't just pop out overnight!"

"I know that! But maybe it's something wrong with you!" He shouted at you, it was clear he was speaking from a script but all that mattered were the words leaving both of your mouths.

"Me?! Fine! Have your new wife, I don't want to be with a guy who kicks me to the curb!" You shouted at him , practically kicking him out of your room. When he left the doors he noticed the staff looking shocked, he tried to hide his smile knowing that the plan worked.

"It's very clearly not my fault!" He shouted at you through your closed doors.

"Uh uh well I'm sorry your highness but you aren't that good in bed!" You shouted back and all Seongnam could think was that wasn't in the script. It did sort of pang at him especially as whispering began between the maids.

"Well then just leave!"

"Fine!" You shouted back.

And a few hours later you were at the gates to leave. The Queen running over in a hurry.

"Crown princess , where are you going?" She asked shocked.

"I can't stay here if your son continues treating me the way he does."

"But Y/n-"

"No your majesty, if he really cares like he acted before tell him to come and find me rather than hiding behind his mother." You said before leaving.

"Crown princess!" The Queen shouted after you. And as the gates closed behind you the plan was a success. However you weren't travelling to your family residence in the city, you were travelling far south to get to your family's summer home.

Once arriving you were greeted by your sisters.

"Oh my gosh!" Hayun said running over to greet you happily and although she quickly hugged you she also quickly pulled back. "Oh my gosh!!!" She let out excitedly , moving her hands to your stomach. "How long?" She asked shocked, looking over to your brother. He just nodded happily.

"What's wrong?" Jihu asked confused.

"Y/n is pregnant!" Hayun let out happily, not being able to hide the bright smile all over her face.

"Oh my gosh!!! We're going to have a nephew/niece that could be King!" Jihu let out excitedly. Running over and hugging you.

"Girls as much as the reunion is nice, she needs some space. She's going to give birth in a few days." Yujun said practically having to drag your sisters away. You laughed at the whole situation.

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