1 • the queen

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"Lady! Lady! Stop running so fast! We are in the royal gardens, you'll get into trouble!" Your maid said running around the garden trying to find you . You tried to hold your laughter as you peeked at her through one of the bushes. "Lady! Please come out! Your father will be finished soon!" She pleaded as she continued to search around the gardens. These weren't just any gardens but the finest in the whole of Korea, the royal gardens. Filled from one end to the other with beautiful and exotic plants that only the Nobelist of families could get their hands on. That's what everyone would say to describe them but to you, a young Y/n this was just a garden like any other and an opportunity to have fun whilst your father had a boring meeting with the King.

"Lady- oh my your Highness , I apologise for my shouting. I have seemed to have lost my young lady in these gardens." You saw your maid bow down to a women. The women was beautiful, instantly making you stare at her in complete awe. She stood so composed and proudly in her beautifully embroidered hanbok. Right then and there you decided that's who you wanted to be. You wanted to be just like her. Sure you had no clue what she was like as a person but you wanted to be her no matter what. You ran out of your hiding spot heading over to your maid and standing right infront of the woman.

"Lady Y/n, please bow to the Queen." Your maid whispered to you. You just stood there, a smile growing wider and wider on your face. "Please" your maid whispered to you.

"Lady Y/n, why are you worrying your maid here?" The Queen asked you politely, bending down to be at eye level with you.

"She knows my name! The Queen knows my name Ms Kim !" You said excitedly to your maid, shaking her arm. This just caused everyone to smile happily at your reaction.

"I know it's very exciting, but this is the Queen so we have to bow to her." Ms Kim said letting you know the proper introduction that should be made when meeting her royal highness. You looked at her shocked, quickly bowing down with her.

"I'm very sorry your Highness!" This just caused a light chuckle to leave the queens lips.

"Don't worry about it , you're a very well behaved child." You looked up at her smiling.

"I want to be just like you when I'm older!" You announced causing shock from all the court lady's.

"The Queen?" The Queen asked and you shook your head at her.

"No. You. You're way cooler." This encounter made her heart melt. She had always wanted a daughter , although she was blessed with five healthy sons a daughter would have been a pleasant addition.

"Walk with me lady Y/n , I would love to get to know more about you." She said placing her hand out for you to take so the two of you could stand up, you did so and the two of you walked around the royal gardens. Admiring the beautiful flowers that bloomed during the spring season.

After a while your father appeared.

"Y/n?" He asked looking around for you, his servants following closely behind him. He paused as he saw you next to the Queen. "Your Highness." He bowed. She just smiled at him.

"Minister Park Chinhwa , it's lovely to see you today." The Queen said to your father as he still bowed to her.

"I apologise if my daughter has been a hassle-"

"No need to worry. I've enjoyed being with her for this time, please bring her back more often."

"Pardon Your highness?"

"I've rather enjoyed talking to her and would love to see her more often."

Your father was shocked by this to say the least. He knew how much of a pain you were, constantly getting into trouble at home and with your siblings. But somehow you were able to win the queens favour. He looked to your court lady to confirm he wasn't imagining things and her sweet and prideful smile told him everything, he wasn't imagining things.

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