8 • a wife

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You went to the palace the next day, not expecting what you were walking into. To your belief it was a normal day but instead you found out it was the first day of mourning for the previous crown prince. You and Ms Kim stood there for a few minutes taking everything in.

"My lady, it's best we head home and put you into some suitable attire." You nodded in agreement, definitely not wanting to be disrespectful towards anyone during this period. Once you had changed you headed back to the palace, in your full white attire. Walking through the palace, you headed straight for the queens quarters as you hoped to see one of her sons although you were hoping to avoid her now eldest.

"Y/n?" You heard your name called and stopped in your tracks, whispering a curse word under your breath. You turned to look at the boy. Putting on a fake smile.

"Why are you here?" He asked bluntly, not caring for his mother's presence or anyone else that was around.

"Prince Uiseong!" His mother spoke harshly to the boy. "My apologies Lady Y/n, as I'm sure you've heard now the sudden passing of the crown prince has shocked us all. Some people are very hurt by this." She said trying to act as if Uiseong and the crown prince were so close and this news had destroyed him, but in reality you knew he was over the moon with this news as it gave him a chance for the crown.

"Well why are you here?" Uiseong persisted as if his mums excuse granted him immunity for whatever else he wanted to say.

"I'm here to visit the grand princes." You said immediately knowing your fiance was about to have a tantrum.

"Why them and not me?"

"Well it was their older brother who they had a much closer bond with-"

"He was my older brother too, Y/n." He said before walking off. You hated the feeling you got when you were even close to that boy, you couldn't class him as a man as he was way too immature. You felt so wrong and as if you were always in trouble. You could chase after him but in the nicest way possible you couldn't care less about him.

You walked on to the Queens quarters, she wouldn't leave her room and no one was particularly shocked by this. It was her eldest son. You walked over to the princes rooms. The four of them already huddled together in Muans room.

"Is this a meeting?" You asked as you entered. They all looked up at you like deers in headlights. You smiled trying to bring a bit of positivity to the boys.

"You shouldn't be here." Seongnam was the first to speak , he didn't look at you. You looked around at the boys , all four of them hurt but Seongnam very clearly the most impacted despite knowing his older brother for the least amount of time.

"I think you're wrong there." You said sitting in between the two youngest. "This is a tough time for you all, and I want you to know that I'm here for you if you need me. You four are the grand princes , this means the title of crown prince will most likely go to one of the four of you. It's horrible but the four of you need to prepare yourselves."

"Y/n our brother just died." Muan said across from you.

"I'm aware , and as I said I'm here for you all during this period of mourning if you need me but whilst we mourn other princes are preparing themselves to take the role of crown prince." You spoke with honesty. The four went silent. The younger three looking at Seongnam as if they needed the now oldest to decide for them what to do. He looked at you.

"I want to talk to you first. Before any more of this crown Prince conversation." Seongnam said, causing ooos from his childish brothers. You were a-bit confused by his need to talk to you.

"Talk then."

"Privately." This caused the boys ooos to get even louder.

"Let's talk then." You said getting up and leaving the room first, he got up and followed. You walked along the corridor to his room, entering and sitting at the seat typically the one with higher status would. "What do we need to talk about."

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