Chapter 1: Maki

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After all that went down, the homeschool students would finally be able to live their lives, in peace. Run was given the institute by his late master, Master Amin. They all have been doing better. Run has been taking care of the school as well as his reunited sister, Maki. After 7 long years of misery, one hug with her made it felt like it was nothing. It has been a week since the hospital and he always secretly looks at his sister. He likes to look at her in the library because she likes spending her time there. She had always loved reading since she was a child.

"Maki, what are you doing here?", asked her brother.
"Just doing my assignment, ever since you came here the assignments won't stop piling up Run", she rolled her eyes.
Run chuckled. "Maki."
Maki looked up to her brother. She had stopped on what she was working on and waited for his words.
"Stay healthy okay?"
She bursted out laughing. What was going on her brother's mind? She was obviously fine now. "I'm fine Run, don't worry about me." Maki hugged her brother.
"Tomorrow is your second year with your friends, are you excited?"
"Yup! White said she would guide me tomorrow to help me catch up with the lessons I had missed." Run was about to reply to her when he got a phone call. A call from the headmaster.

It was 7 pm and they had just finished dinner. Maki went upstairs to get ready for her night routine. Her routine was interrupted by her best friend, White. Her face was flustered and was as red as a cherry. She was running around like a crazy coyote. "White! Are you okay?!" White couldn't say anything. She pulled Maki in the restroom and started telling her how she had brutally kissed Nai on the cheek. "I was trying to be super relaxed but I just left because I was too stunt too." "White calm down, wait. I was right, you do like him!", she gasped. "Shh! Be quiet, everyone would know now!" "Don't tell anyone Maki!." Maki had just simply nodded.

It was 1 am and Maki just couldn't sleep no matter how hard she tried. After tossing and turning for a couple hours, she finally decided to go to the backyard. She had brought her lamp out and headed to the backyard. She found Tibet there. She sat beside him.
"Tibet, why are you here?" Maki was wondering why at this time he was also her, perhaps he was in the same situation.
He didn't say a single word. The atmosphere was filled with silence. She spotted a picture of his mother and him beside him. "Your mother looked very happy." Irene, Tibet's mother was indeed a very lively person. No room with her in it would ever feel lonely.
"I miss my mom." His tears fell. He wiped them off as quickly as it fell. Tibet had lost his mom only a couple months ago. He remembered that this was their last picture taken before he went to homeschool. He regrets on not spending his last days with her, but it was all just a waste. He could not turn back time. It was a past now. "I feel sorry for her, spending her last days knowing her son won't visit her anytime soon." "Sometimes I just wonder, what if I took the chance to go home that day? What if, I could see her within my eyes one more time?."

"Your mother didn't want you to see her death." Everything happens because of her decision. It's not your fault, Tibet. She gently carreses his back. "A mother would never want their child see their last moments before they go. Even though it may seem painful for you, she just wanted you to live happily, without questioning the future." Maki had finished talking when she felt something heavy on her shoulders. He had slept on her shoulders. Maki just smiled at the sight. No matter how hard she denies it, she does like him quite a bit.

Maki's POV
The sun has rose and Maki had found herself lying on her bed again. She was wondering how she had went back here, to her bedroom. The wind blew as her face felt water on her face. She found herself finishing herself up in the morning when White called her. "Makiii", White exclaimed.
"Last night, Tibet came to our room and put you here, how did you fall asleep at that cold hard bench?."
"What? Tibet did?", Maki asked surprisingly.

Tibet's POV
I had woken up at the sound of a bird crashing it's way at the bench. It was 2 am in the morning. I found Maki beside me laying her head on my lap. The look on her face, was as peaceful as a scenery. I admired the look on her face. When will I confess my feelings to her? Her warm surface remains beneath my touch. I then hurry to get her to her bedroom just in case the Masters, especially her brother saw this. It won't definitely end well. I carried her in my warm embrace. I reached the girls' bedroom and knocked quietly. I heard the hinges of the door squeaking. A shadow approaches the door as I took a look who it was. White. Thankfully it was her, if it were the others, things would be quite noisy.

"Tibet, what happened??", White asked concerningly.
"She had fallen asleep at the bench, she had trouble sleeping last night."
"I see, lay her here."
White and Tibet laid her at her bed as he hurried back to his room which was on the other side.

"So that's why Tibet brought me here, thanks White."
White laughed as she said "C'mon now, who's shy."
"At least I didn't leave someone after kissing them-"
Maki ran as White was chasing her then they arrived at the forest where they would do their usual exercise every weekday.

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