Chapter 03 - Family.

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"Mom!" Mizu and Sora ran to greet their parents at the door, while Naruto came out of his room to greet them too.

"My daughters!" Kushina said as she embraced both daughters at the same time.

"Naruto." Minato approached Naruto, who stood calmly with a small smile. He ruffled his son's hair and looked at the book in his hands. "You seem very engaged in your studies," he commented with a smile.

"I like it, I'm curious about all the places this world has to show," Naruto said in his usual tone. He wasn't as imperious as his sisters, but definitely not a sad and shy boy.

"That's good..." Minato said, turning to talk to his daughters, and Kushina went to hug Naruto.

"How has your day been, wait. Let's have dinner first! I'll prepare something and then you can tell me about your day!" Kushina said, kissing Naruto's cheek and heading to the kitchen.

While Kushina was preparing dinner for the family, Naruto sat on the couch reading his book, his sisters were immersed in their training, and Minato went to deal with some documents in his personal office or to organize the storeroom.

After Kushina called them, everyone sat down calmly for their meal. "So, tell me about your day, Jiraiya-Sensei said you are improving," Minato commented, looking at the sisters.

"Yes, we're trying to control our Uzumaki chains, but it's so difficult..." Mizu said.

"Difficult for you!" Sora retorted.

"Of course, you want to explode everything with them, Jiraiya-Sensei has a lot of trouble with you attacking him like that," Mizu said, laughing.

"Anyway, the academy starts in a few days, I'm sure you'll do great there, Dattebane!" Kushina encouraged her daughters but couldn't help looking at Naruto with a hint of sadness, wondering if he was affected by not attending the academy like his sisters.

"And you, Naruto, what did you do today?" Minato tried to lighten the mood, although Naruto didn't seem bothered.

"I was reading the book you saw and went out for a bit," Naruto said.

"Went out?" Minato asked and looked at the daughters.

"He went to the village alone," Mizu commented.

"Naruto! What have I said about going out alone?! You should go with one of your sisters!" Kushina immediately scolded.

"I'm fine, Mom, I'm not made of glass," Naruto said, rolling his eyes. His mother was very overprotective.

"Still, we don't want you to take risks, things have been complicated lately..." Minato commented apologetically.

"Just promise me you'll call someone next time, and about your book, what are you reading?" Kushina changed the subject, asking about the book Naruto had.

"I was reading about the continent and its geography."

"Really, you're interested in that?" Kushina asked.

"Yes, I want to explore many of these places, even if they are in other countries. I still plan to go to these places," Naruto said confidently.

"That sounds exciting..." Kushina commented, not believing Naruto could do that, but didn't want to hurt her son's feelings.

"Indeed, I'm sure Naruto could visit many places," Minato commented, believing his son could travel as a traveler or merchant, but would have to hide his Namikaze name, as his enemies could use Naruto to get to Minato and the leaf.

The Namikaze family continued enjoying their meal while talking until the end of the meal, after which everyone went to bed.

The days continued to pass, and the routine remained the same, the sisters trained with Jiraiya, a great friend of the family and godfather of the Hokage's children, while in the afternoon they studied to prepare for the academy. Naruto stayed at home reading more books from the library while watching his sisters train.

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