Chapter 28 :- Abandoned Lab

Start from the beginning

Then, Robert added, "I know you're strong, but be careful. Rumor has it that there are a few Bigfoots out there too."

Robert looked at me, seemingly surprised, and asked, "Aren't you scared?"

Maintaining my composure, I calmly replied, "Well, I'll be afraid when I see it with my own eyes. I'll figure out the other things later."

Robert smiled "Okay." He kept his eyes on the road and kept driving.

I'd probably ask him for fashion advice because those hairy legs are definitely in style this season!

Okay that was just a joke, now I am serious. If I come across a big foot there, I'm just gonna bolt. I mean, I don't give a damn if these guys make it out alive or not. I'm outta there!

He nodded, As we continued our journey, Robert's nod of approval reassured me that we were on the right path. The car steadily approached the outskirts of the woods, and my eyes were immediately drawn to a weathered sign that read 'Blood Moon Grove Forest.' Its ominous presence sent a shiver down my spine, but I couldn't help but feel a strange curiosity pulling me towards it.

Robert drove through the forest, and I peered out of the window, the night sky unveiled its breathtaking beauty. Countless stars twinkled above, casting a mystical glow upon the surroundings. I couldn't tear my gaze away from the celestial display, momentarily forgetting the purpose of our mission.

Suddenly, Robert brought the car to a halt, breaking the enchanting spell the stars had cast upon me. Stepping out of the vehicle, I noticed two other cars had arrived, their occupants emerging as well. The sight of the abandoned lab before us was awe-inspiring, resembling more of a grand castle than a mere scientific facility. It's towering structure loomed over me, shrouded in an air of mystery and secrecy.

Is this place supposed to be a lab or what? 'Cause honestly, it looks more like a freakin' castle to me, it's all old and busted up.

Robert began briefing us on the mission, handing out torches, knives, and pistols. He emphasized the importance of returning to this very spot after retrieving the necessary chemicals from the lab. It was clear that this mission held great significance.

Robert also handed me a torch, a knife, and a pistol. My eyes widened in disbelief and apprehension. I hesitated at the sight of the weapons, not wanting to harm anyone, but Robert insisted that it was necessary for our safety and he also told me that we might encounter spies, officers, or even elusive creatures like Bigfoot. He stressed the necessity of being prepared for any potential threats. Reluctantly, I accepted the gun and knife, tucking them away in my bag.

"We are here," Robert declared, his tone grave. "I am saying this again our job is to go inside that abandoned lab and bring back the chemicals. But be warned, there are rumors of wild animals and even sightings of big foots in this area. So, be careful. And remember, if you die, you will be responsible for it."

As we made our way towards the front door of the lab, Robert pulled me aside. "Alvin," he said, his voice low and urgent, "I need you to go in through the backdoor. It will be easier for you to reach room R-31. Stay safe, alright?"

So, for some reason, I had this gut feeling that I shouldn't trust this guy, but I decided to go ahead and walk into whatever trap he had set. I mean, I'm used to walking alone, so I figured I could handle whatever came my way.

I resolved to proceed, my solitary nature proving advantageous in such situations. As I made my way around the perimeter of the laboratory, the sounds of the wind rustling through the leaves and the echo of my own footsteps filled the air.

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