Truth be told

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Maybe my life is a living hell? Or something like that. What I don't understand is what I did to deserve this, why does my best friend have to like the girl I seem to have a thing for? I'm really not liking this, not to mention the only thing Liam ever seems to talk about since Drew told us his recent thoughts... occurring to him liking Hailey, is how he could steal her in a heartbeat, this is honestly so stupid, Liam thinking he can pull a mom is far enough, now Hailey? I'm losing my shit.

It's been a few months since Drew told us all, since todays Valentine's Day, me and the boys all planned on helping out at the dance, we're all pulling up in suits and it's gonna be insane is all I know, but it won't be so insane trying to keep the suicidal sophomores in line while they start drinking and smoking cigars in the bathroom, maybe we might even have to chain down the door to the roof. that'll be nice.

The thing I'm happy about is that Drew won't even be there, this is the first time I'll probably be getting caught happy that Drew's family is always going around attending different business parties. Before the whole group hated it since he always missed out on everything, but this time, it's not the whole group, since I'm crazy happy he won't be here. Partly because of him mentioning about how he wants to ask Hailey out to the valentines dance.

I'm worried that some of the guys from my hockey team might start flirting with her, but she might also not be there. Judging by the fact that she always keeps to herself, I don't think it's likely she'll show up to a dance, but I know damn well that's now a 10 percent chance knowing Zoey will probably drag her down here, poor girl, I feel bad she has to hangout with such a fake, Zoey is going to put hell on her is all I know.

It's only a few hours till the dance, it's at 6 and school just ended, I don't feel like getting ready now but I do feel like punching someone in the face. Drew texted me, saying he was able to convince his parents to skip the business party and go to the dance instead. Of course this type of shit happens to me, I'm so confused, what did I do? Really, why.

Since we're the volunteers  we have to show up early, so me and the boys are deciding to meet up at one spot, Henry wants to make an entrance but we've told him about a hundred times that can't happen since no one's here, well, I mean, it can, but there's no point, but we let him do it to make him happy, it's nice to see a smile on his face, people don't tend to do so as often.

"Kay guys, why did we have to where suits though?" Henry asks.

"Because, it's to pull all the hot girls Jit" Liam tells him.

Henry looks really happy thinking he's some sort of magnet for girls, all I know is Liam's about crush his dreams in a finger snap.

"But it won't work for you, you're too short." He says smirking.

Henry rolls his eyes and starts getting pissed off, cursing Liam to shut up and how his doctor says it's normal.

"Where's Drew?" Liam's asks.

"I dunno, he hasn't showed up yet." I say.

"Maybe his dad made him stay" Liam's chuckles.

I suddenly get a burst of euphoria, maybe he actually won't come. Until unfortunately, he just happens to arrive right at this thought, luck really isn't on my side is it?

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