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What is wrong with me? No like actually, what the fuck is happening.  It hasn't even been 2 days and I'm already obsessing over the stupid make out sesh with Jake, no but what was wrong with me? Well, I was half asleep, half drunk but that's not the point, why? Why, did I kiss him back. I need to stop, like actually, it's getting to the point where I can't not think about it, it's been going through my brain nonstop. 

It's Monday today, sucks honestly. I do not want to see him, I mean, I do actually, really badly, but no, first of all, when Zoey finds out what happened, well, that won't end out very well, considering it's pretty obvious she likes him, second, I might have to switch schools, again.

"HAILEY" Zander yells from downstairs, I'd bet money it's about his stupid ties, I don't want to deal with Zander right now.

I head downstairs and tell him I have nothing to do with his ties and leave the house. He's not going to school today, lucky, but I have to, I have to go and face everyone, especially Jake. I wish I couldn't ever see him again and at the same time wish I could, this feeling is straight out confusing me.

The moment I Enter those double doors I feel like I'm about to kill myself, but I don't, instead I'm bombarded by Lia who runs straight to me and spills something I don't want to be apart of.

"OH.MY.GOSH, you need to go to the junior sleepover!" She screams with excitement.

Im not very excited, but for context I ask her what she means.

"What sleepover?" 

She looks at me blankly then opens her mouth to answer.

"You don't know? The junior sleepover party, Drew's throwing it at his house, almost all the juniors are going, you have to go." She tells me

I process what she said so I can think it through, I honestly don't know, do I want to go? Asking myself won't make a difference since I can't make my own decisions without someone's opinion.

"So? Are you going? Or..." she asks for the last time.

I sigh and don't say anything, although I stay hesitant hoping she'll get the hint.

"Hailey, please, I beg you."

"Umm, don't know Lia." Maybe she'll get the hint know if it wasn't clear enough the first time.

"Come on, I'll get you an early birthday present."

"My birthdays in September." I tell her "it's February."

She rolls her eyes and sighs

I think for a second, why not, you only get to be a teenager once and I don't think I'll get to experience these moments ever again. I smile for a second.

"Okay, I'll go." I tell her.

Lia's face lights up from hearing what I said.

"Yes! We need to wear matching pyjama pants."

I laugh a little, yeah, I won't regret this.

I rethink what she said, Drew's house? Isn't that Jake's best friend, I had already processed what that meant but my reaction is too delayed, I don't want to make it visible but my eyes go wide and my face gets a cold expression from the realization. What are the chances he isn't going to Drew's house, 0, I can't go back now, I might lose a friend or two if I do anything wrong. All I know is my first class doesn't have Jake in it, which is good, but my next class does..


I saw her earlier today, maybe then we could talk about the sudden event that happened at the dance 2 days ago. I saw her talking to Lia, she looked so pretty, I wonder what they were taking about, probably the sleepover, everyone is, I don't know if Hailey's going, hopefully, kind of sucks though because Drew's hosting it, don't want her anywhere near Drew, Ugh, what's wrong with me, I don't own her, I need to stop acting like I'm her boyfriend, because I'm not, not yet.

I walk into class and Liam's with Drew sitting at our usual spot, I don't see Henry but then remember he's not in our class since he made his parents transfer him with his girlfriend, still surprised how he even has one.

I sit down with them and the rest goes by in an hour, it's so fast I don't realize how quick the days gone by. I walk into my next class. To my surprise, who do I see? Miss Ikisswhoifeellikeiwantto. That was a joke. I sit down and looks at her from afar, throughout the lesson I can feel her eyes on me too, it's nothing special but makes me feel like I've had no stops butterflies the whole block. We make eye contact for a quick second and I swear my heart stops, I can already smell the tensions in the room. I hear Lia talking to a girl behind me and stop to listen.

"-oh yeah and Hailey's also going."

"To do the sleepover at Drew's place?"


I smile to myself

All of a sudden, I'm now excited to go to Drew's place on Friday...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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