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It had been a few months since school started and fall had approached. Things were actually going quite well. Well, not "quite".

I honestly think something is up with some people. Every time Zoey sees me it doesn't feel like she likes me, it's like I can sense she doesn't actually like me in general. Ever since I became friends with Stacy she's been non stop talking about some guy name Luke, and it's really getting annoying, although other than that, she really isn't a bad person. There's also drew, for some reason whenever drew talks to me Jake will give a very rude look to him.

Speaking of Jake, I've been thinking about him a lot, it's strange though, I've never thought so much of a guy like this, anyone actually. That doesn't change the fact that he isn't in my home room, I still see him in my other classes, and god, eye contact for any more than 2 seconds with him, drives me insane. But that's besides the point, I've been trying to keep him off my mind anyway. I'm pretty sure I don't have some sort of attraction to him..

I've been thinking, and since Milly's been bugging me about this for a while, that I should invite everyone to have a sleepover. She quote on quote said "it'll help us connect more". But I don't think that's why she wanted one. I agreed and invited a few people. Zoey, Lia, Milly and a girl I had gotten close to over the past few months, daisy, had confirmed. I was hesitant about inviting Zoey, but, I didn't have much of a choice, if I was inviting Lia it'd be bitchy not to invite her, plus their best friends and I'm part of their friend group too.

I asked Stacy but she said no because she was thinking of a plan to ask out Luke? I'm not sure who he is but he must have the girl in a chokehold for him. I can't imagine the heartbreak she'd have to go through if he rejected her. 

I've also been feeling to admit something, but don't know how, I've been having thoughts and I don't know who to tell. First of all, the obvious, I'm 57 percent sure Zoey hates me, second, I may have been caught in a situation, where I think I might like someone but don't want to like them... Jake. Now it's not that I like him or anything, but I get weirdly upset when a girl talks to him, or he talks to a girl, and it's also hard to look him in the eye. But I wouldn't say it's jealousy to be exact. I just, I'm not sure, I feel like I need to tell someone I can trust but I don't know who, but I can't do anything about that now so third, which is sort of the stretch of this whole situation, I've come to a conclusion that,..

Zoey may like Jake.

Now I'm not for sure, but it's quite obvious with her annoyed face when I talk to him, or when she tries getting his attention, which makes her look stupid not gonna lie. I laugh a little thinking of it.

I look up at the board the teachers writing on, all I see, and hear, is a lady yapping continuously about how different this generation is from hers. Sorry I wasn't born in the 1970s, I wish I wasn't here either.

I groan at the thought of remembering I have to go clean my house today, yay, sure that'll be fun. I realize I look rude cause I rolled my eyes thinking of that and a guy gives me a weird look, I silently mouth "sorry" to him, I need to be more aware of my facial expression sometimes, it's not like there's nobody else here.

After a few hours of cleaning up the first person arrives, I open the door. Thank god, it's not the one I wanted here first, I certainly do not know how to start a conversation with someone I know dislikes me.

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