First day

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My alarm goes beeping off at god knows what time, I thought about just not going but I don't wanna blow my chances off of making a fresh new start to a social life.

I push myself off my bed and get ready, 6:23. I never put my alarm at that time. It was probably Bethany trying to play a prank on me. I put on a cute halter top and some shorts. The weather today was beautiful, I head downstairs to find my whole family having a massive feast.

"What's this all about?" I ask.

My dad looks over at me.

"Well obviously for the first day of school, sweetheart, you're in 11th grade, I remember when you were just starting first grade." He says trying his best not tear up.

Zander gives a look and starts snickering, what a wonderful morning it has been.

Once I get to the school I'm surprised, its a very beautiful school. I didn't think a public school would be this well off.

I walk through the front double doors, and Zander immediately leaves my side without saying a word. I'm a bit annoyed but don't seem to care at much.

I don't know what, but maybe I look lost because a girl comes up to me and introduces herself.

"Hi, I'm Briar, you look a little lost. Do you need help finding a class?" She asks.

Now I know I do look like I need help. The girl has blonde hair tied into French braids and she looks like she just came back from some hockey tournament, because she still has her black eye makeup marks on her face, just below her cheeks.

"Uh yeah, I am, do you know where room 202 is?" I ask.

"Oh yeah that's miss Mcyntire, you're quite lucky, she's very nice." Briar says smiling at me. "Oh right come on I'll walk you there."

I nod my head and we begin walking. During the walk to my class I find out She's a year older than me and I'm assuming she's the most popular girl in the school, on the way to my class, many people stopped to have small talk with her, wave at her, smile, greet her. She's lucky, I've never seen a person this popular. I felt a bit more welcomed too since a few people even waved at me.

Our walk eventually ends and she says goodbye and leaves, I get a bit surprised that I was even able to make a friend within the first 10 seconds of entering the school.

Once I walk in I see the desks are so where three people can sit in them. This makes me feel a bit nauseous because I know absolutely no one other than the girl I just met, who isn't in my class. My anxiety floods away once I see a desk with no one sitting there at all.

I take a seat at the far end and hope no one sits next to me. Once I sit down I re-apply a layer of lipgloss, and turn to grab my phone out of my backpack to check the time. But once I turn back I see a girl approach me.

I get a bit nervous because I don't know how to start a conversation with strangers, it's one of my hardest challenges.

The girl looks about my age, she has long black hair tied up in a ponytail and bangs at the front.

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