Chapter 11: A Friendly Face

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Crouching under the somewhat-opened door (followed by me almost not fitting) Charlotte and I came into a room with red, yellow, and blue spiral stairs. But some of them were missing. "I remember this part. We have to grab the bar up there and go up from there," I said.

"So let's get to it," Charlotte added.

I went up one, two, three, ten stairs and then leaned forth, grabbing the bar with my GrabPack hand. The slack was almost out before I lifted my feet off of the ground. I was slowly propelled upward. Once at the top, I waited for the right time to hop off. So when I did, I watched a hand grab the bar. Charlotte was brought up, and she leaped. But her foot missed, and she fell back, but I caught her right before she could fall and crack her head open. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, now pull me up! We gotta get back to the Game Station!" she exclaimed.

My GrabPack pulled Charlotte back up and we passed by a cardboard cutout of Candy Cat. But I'll get to the point. The two of us went through some dark hallways, but the color contrast threw me off; to our right was a room with yellow walls. And railroads. "Remind me what this room is again," I muttered, stepping through.

Charlotte followed suit. In front of us was a gated-off area with two electric outlets. To our right was a railroad going downward with a boarded-off area. We would have to use one of the carts (somewhere) to break that. Exhaling, I turned to the left, stopping. On the other side of a gate, there was a red lever. I remember this scene. "Charlotte, come here," I said.

She came to me, and we walked through the archway, standing near the gate. That's when the lights flickered, and the door on the opposite side opened. Not ours, but a different one. Standing on the other side was Huggy's silhouette. At first, when I saw this moment in the game, I genuinely had my hopes up. The figure staggered towards us, but once it reached the light, a smile appeared on my face. Charlotte bounced on her toes excitedly. "Kissy!!"

My friends, the icon is here! She tilted her head to the side. "Can you open the door for us?" I asked, pointing to the lever.

Kissy looked at the lever, then at us. Her hand came up, but it slipped. She did it again, and it slipped. The third time, she pulled the lever down, and the gate slowly opened. But we were fast enough to go under the small opening and hug her. Kissy still smiled as she wrapped her arms around us. Literally. It wasn't tight, like what Huggy could've done, but it was a sweet gesture. Kissy looked at us and patted our heads before pulling from the hug and walking away. "It's always nice to find someone nice in these torturous halls," Charlotte muttered as we walked to find a green electric outlet.

"Girl, I think that's the only one we're gonna find for a long time," I said.

And you know that once a green outlet is spotted, there's gonna be some kind of twisted puzzle. So I'm not even gonna go into the details. Just know that it's brought to you by my aching headache. Even Charlotte got a migraine from the puzzle's complexity. But we all know that Chapter 3 might have the harder ones. After all of that, Charlotte had been tasked with finding any secrets. Me, on the other hand, I was getting the cart, Barry, closer to the boarded-off doorway we saw at the start. That's when– "GIRLIE LOOK!!!" Charlotte exclaimed.

Her voice echoed throughout the area as I ran to her, seeing that, one, she found a VHS. Two, it was Jacksepticeye. "Huh. Funny seeing him here. ... Can we get back to the task at hand?" I asked, looking at my sister.


So I thankfully found a way to solve this puzzle. (after not watching Chapter 2 playthroughs in a few months) I charged my green hand and put it into one of the outlets, opening the gate near where the VHS tape was. Then, I took the power from the first one and powered both outlets near the gate where Barry was. The gate opened, and I pulled the cart through. And don't worry, Charlotte was sitting in the cart while I was working the puzzle out. "There. Now it's a piece of cake from here," Charlotte breathed.

"My head hurts," I mumbled.

"I bet it does."

Charlotte hopped off Barry as I pulled him into the red-lit area. That's when I let go. He went down the little hill, breaking the wooden boards blocking our path. Barry flew into darkness, and as Charlotte and I made our way down, we almost fell for it. But I grabbed her by the GrabPack, directing her to the right. "Oh... My bad."

I jabbed her in the side lightly as we made our way into the room, seeing a shit-ton of pipes and loose wires. How do the people even manage here again? ... Oh wait. It's abandoned, and we're forced into this silly (yet scary if you squint hard enough) indie horror game with a blue Sour Patch Kid, Betty Spaghetti, a FUCKING PEEP, mini Sour Patch Kids, and a whole bunch of other references I can make note of. Suddenly, I heard Charlotte's voice echo. "Hey, sissy! Hop down here!" she called.

I looked into a hole to see Charlotte. She was looking at me, tapping her foot. "But is it safe?" I asked.

"No– OF COURSE, STUPID!! Hurry up so we can get back and mute Stella's voice! I'm tired of having to listen to her!" she whined.

Ugh... I sat and slid slowly into the hole, refusing to just hop down there. Do y'all wanna see me shatter my ankles??? ... No. The light in the hall eerily flickered again. We were back in the Wack-a-Wuggy entrance hall. Holding hands, Charlotte and I ascended the stairs and were back in the Game Station. Fucking finally. "Whew. We're done with that," I wheezed.

"But we have one more game to go," Charlotte reminded.

"And then the chase??" I added.

She stayed quiet, remembering what I meant. "Right."

The red light flickered where the two other green lights stayed. And so the two of us walked to the counter to pull the lever. But I stopped right before I could pull it. "Are we ready?" I asked, looking at Charlotte.

"I sure as heck am. But... are you?" she questioned, eyeing me.

Honestly, I was iffy. I never got to Chapter 2 when I tried playing the game during my free time in my Game Design class. I always got stuck on the puzzle that you have to do before coming face-to-face with Huggy. But I took a deep breath, threw my anxiety out the goddamn window, and pulled the lever. And for the third and final time, the freaking music cued. "Jeez! Have you played these before? You're so good! Seems like you're ready for the final game; Statues! Follow Mommy down the stairs one last time. I hope you had a fun day at the Game Station. See you next time."

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