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Okays so before you read I'd like to say a few things!!

First of all!

This is an au! So nothing that has happened in the show is the exact same, things are different!

As you are all wondering, this is set in like olden days, so not modern, think of it as like 1800s, medieval kind of.

Although I have no idea how they would speak back then, just try to put up with me here :3

I have HOPE, healing and a forever home to finish. But if I'm being honest I don't really know how to finish them, I HAVENT LOST MOTIVATION, I just think I'm going to put them on hold for awhile.

Instead of forcing myself to finish them I want to start a knew and flow my creativity, let lose if you'd say.

The supposed 'hospital' is actually a insane asylum! I have taken inspiration from an actual girl, that lived, but I can't remember her name, But only y/n backstory is going to be taken from her.

Also it's going to be very gorey, or ima try to make it.

ALSO ALSO! Karin, and kazutoras dad, I'm going to bash them, by that I mean ima make em the bad guys, that's itself isn't a SPOLIER, it's quite obvious from the start, all the other characters I don't hate and am only making them villans as I need villans!, well except one other person, but I'm not going to mention there name yet as it's a spolier!

Mentions of r@pe! Eventual smut, torture

Contagion reader x various Tokyo revengers.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя