Making company

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A groan left your lips as you opened your eyes, your head hurt, your waist hurt, and your legs hurt, and you couldn't bear the throbbing pain in between your legs.

It hurt so bad, you wanted to cry, holding your stomach you rested your head on the cold floor, closing your eyes.

Flashbacks of the horrid experience hanemiya had out you threw came running back.

A tear left your closed eyes as you remembered what he had done to you.

'Why' you thought as more water gathered under your closed lashes.

'Why did he have to take something so precious to you away! Something that wasn't Ment for him' a vibrant spark of purple eyes flashed before your closed vision, your mind forcing you to remember.

Those purple eyes, yes that boy, the one you had so deeply fallen for, your innocence belonged to him, and him only.

Your eyes opened fast as you felt the thin cheap fabric on your body.

'What?, but he left me naked?' You thought as your question was answered.

"I dressed you, I hope you don't mind, I tried not to look, I'm sorry..."

You turned to face the voice as you saw the same boy crouched in the corner from before.

"I just couldn't leave you there cold, plus it was kinda weird because you was naked" he spoke as he faced the wall.

"It's okay, that guy, mr hanemiya? He said he was your dad right?" You asked as you sat up, another groan left your lips as you doubled over in pain, your chest heaved as you coughed heavily.

'You knew you shouldn't be talking to him, after all, his own father worked here, let him be here, he must be messed up, but you needed social interaction right now'.

'You needed to at-least talk to someone, if it turned south you would-not be able to do anything anyways, you was going to die here, so what is one less day' you thought as you cried in pain.

The boy suddenly stood up as he held your back, rubbing it softly.

"Are you okay" he asked as you nodded, looking at him you waited for him to answer your question, the boy stared at you confused for a minute, it gave you 60 seconds to take a look at him.

His hair was shoulder length? It looked chopped messily, the room was dark, but from what you could see, some of his hair was highlighted blonde, his irises where yellow and eyes were so catlike.

"Oh yeah... I'm kazutora hanemiya! That's my umm... birth... man... I came from his balls" he spoke as he lifted his hand from your back, looking to the side.

A smile left your lips as you held your hand out, "y/n l/n" you smiled as he looked back at you.

"it's nice to meet you kazutora" your lips pushed together as your muscles contracted, forming a smile, your eyes half closed, he hesitated, looking away as he sighed, he looked back at you.

His lips formed upward as he smiled back, connecting his palm with your own, and shaking.

"It's good to meet you y/n"

You spent the next few hours just sitting with kazutora, enjoying each others company, until the yellow eyed boy suddenly stood up.

Loud footsteps could be heard as you watched the heavy door open.

In came a tall looking man, a scare across his eyes, and a lit cigarette between his lips.

"Alright c'mon" he spoke as he grabbed the door handle opening it wider.

"Where?" You asked as the man just walked away, kazutora gestured you to follow.

You walked behind the two males as you stared at your surroundings.

Walking in the dim lit hallway, the walls an old white colour, dusted with muck and grime, you came to a stop, the door at the end of the hallway opening.

"Go on" the man spoke as kazutora walked in the room, you followed Hastily.

Your body came to a halt as you realized where you was.

A cafateria.

Kazutora turned around, wondering why you stopped.

"Oh sorry" you spoke as you carried on walking.

LITERALLY NONE OF THE LOVE INTEREST ARE GOING TI BE RED FLAGS IN THIS, while why're canon red flags, ima make em green flags in this!

As you can tell Tora is one of the love interest!

Can you guess the others?

Contagion reader x various Tokyo revengers.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora