The Date Pt. 1

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Lucifer and Alastor finally arrived back at the hotel, the king still weary of their visit to earth.

Lucifers body would occasionally let out a small shake, before he regained his composure on their way back. He wasn't so pleased about being in a oversized T, and shorts, as he walked down the streets of hell. So he snapped his fingers, his suit appearing on him.

"What~are you embarrassed to look all lazy clothed as you walk down the streets?" Alastor teased, nudging Lucifer in the die with his elbow as they made their way up the hill to the hotel.

"Ahaha~ very funny Al." Lucifer mumbled sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Don't let the visit to earth ruin your day, dear."

Lucifer grumbles, tight lipped. "That's not the only thing that ruined my day, dude I literally attacked my brother less than two hours ago!" He wheezed.

"Well~ I'm sure the rest of our day can be calm."

"And now are your going to accomplish that? Bambi~"

Alastor grinned, "Go get dressed up nice, and meet me downstairs in the lobby."

"How nice?"

"He fancy~" Alastor informed, a smug grin at the corner of his smile.


Lucifer made his way to his room, heading through the white door. What possibly does Alastor mean? He wandered over to his walk-in closet, pushing open the large doors. If Alastor wanted him to dress fancy, then fancy he will.


Alastor searched through his closet, finally finding the suit he was looking for, he knew this would be perfect.


3:20pm...In the lobby...

Alastor stood in the lobby, waiting for Lucifer to finished getting changed. He watched as the king walked out of the elevator. Alastor's eyes grew wide.

Lucifer, in all his charm: was wearing a white suit, -similar to Micheal's in someway, but had noticable differences- it had a yellow trimming, and the collar held a dark bowtie. There was golden embroidery filling designs on the suit: such as a small set of wings around the upper edge of the collar, and a large apple on the back of the jacket, all gold. Five small gold buttons lined the suit, followed by a thin golden chain crossing over the visible part of the white ruffle shirt that was beneath the jacket. Of course, Lucifer still wore his tall black boots; a signature look for him. The under trimming of his top had was yellow, and the usual red apple placed on the brim was made of gold, followed by the snake wrapped around it. Lucifer grabbed his hat, tilting it as a greeting. "So~" He started, "Whatcha think?"

Alastor was speechless.

"Hey man- you said fancy~" Lucifer grinned, putting back on his top hat.

Alastor shook his head, looking back at Lucifer. "I think you look amazing your majesty~"

Lucifer smiled, his gaze shifting to what the deer was wearing.

Alastor was wearing a suit like the one he wore when he was alive. It was different shades of brown, trimmed with white along the collar and the shirt beneath. The buttons where a darker shade of brown, and he wore a sharp dark brown bowtie at his neck. His pants were the same brown as the jacket, and instead of his monocle, he had a small pair of glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

"You look quite splendid my dear~" Lucifer complimented, heading towards his date. "Shall we go?"

"Why of course!"

Micheal walked out of the kitchen, a mug of freshly brewed coffee in his hands. His eyes grew wide, spitting out his coffee as he began to cough.

Lucifer flinched, spinning around to face his brother. "Micheal!"

Micheal looked up, gaining his composure. "I did not expect that."

"Expect what?" Alastor wondered, raising a brow.

"To enter a room, and see Lucifer wearing his outfit he wore in heaven."

"It's not exactly the same."

"It's literally the same outfit, Lucie." Micheal exclaimed, "Just because you added an apple to the back, doesn't magically make it something from hell."

Alastor looked over at Lucifer, then back at Micheal. "Why does that matter?"

"Don't know." Micheal shrugged, sipping his coffee. "Where are you heading Lucifer?"

Lucifer's face turned a light red, as he thought of something to say.

Angel walked into the room, raising a brow as he grinned. "Oohh~ is smiles and short king here going on a date~?"

Micheal started to choke on his coffee once again, almost dropping the mug, "Wait what?"

Lucifers face turned bright red, his eyes growing wide. "Shit."

Angel smirked. "I guess my thought is proved correct~"

Alastor stood still, taking down his glasses and wiping them with his sleeve.

"No, no it's ok. I'm not judging." Micheal reassured, summoning a cloth in his hand and wiping on the coffee that was on his face,


4:00pm.. finally at the restaurant.

Alastor covered Lucifers eyes with his hands, guiding him to the entrance of the restaurant. "Alright, the fanciest restaurant I could find in the Pentagram."

Lucifer opened his eyes as Alastor moved his hands away. His yellow eyes grew wide. "You-you brought us here."

Alastor had brought the two of them to omens, a very fancy restaurant that was near the center of Pentagram City. "You happy?"

"Eeeeehhhhh!" Lucifer squeals, he hasn't gone out on a date with anyone for almost 8 years. So he was overjoyed with happiness as he bounced around on the heels of his feet. "Yessssss!"

Alastor smiled, looking up at the doorway. "Shall we?" He held out his arm, as Lucifer wrapped his arm around the radio demons.

"We shall~" Lucifer walked along with Alastor up the tall steps. Omens was an old restaurant, but it was the most formal one that wasn't unhinged in the city. He occasionally went here with Lilith, but she wasn't one to go out much. He hoped that him and Alastor would do this often, he was excited for what was to come.

Alastor pushed the doors open, the sound of jazz music flowing through the air.

eeeeessssshhhhhh! I guess this will be part one of the date.

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