Chapter Two: Powerless

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I've never been one for banquets... but I've never been against them either.

I shifted in my creamy peach colored dress, unconsciously feeling the back of my head to see if any of the hair I had pinned up had fallen down. Feeling no loose hairs, I put my hand down slowly and stared down at the food in front of me, not feeling as hungry as I was a few minutes ago.

"Ass-trid." Thor hissed at me and I turned my head, looking over at him.

"Hm?" I asked, ignoring that insufferable nickname.

"Are you alright?" Thor asked, "You look a bit... haunted, may I say. Do you have a fever?" Next to me, Loki lifted his eyes from his plate, taking a bit of roast beef, but looking at me with concern.

I shook my head, "I feel fine. It's a bit warm here, but I'll survive."

"Don't force yourself to stay." Loki murmured underneath his breath, "I know that Father usually doesn't allow us to leave banquets early, but I can go with you if you really feel unwell."

"I'll manage." I said, shooting both of my brothers a reassuring look, "I promise I'll be okay, alright? You guys have to trust me."

"And we do." Thor nodded before he grabbed his empty wine cup and then smashed it onto the ground, shouting, "ANOTHER!!"

The whole entire banquet was lively after that. Music played, people danced, my father sat upon his throne and tapped his feet merrily, my mother smiling by his side and taking a sip of wine from her cup every so often. Her eyes met mine and she smiled at me, nudging her head in the direction of the crowd.

"Mother's saying you should go dance." Loki said to me as we both stood up and watched the lively crowd dance.

"Ha, no." I shook my head as I watched the crowd in front of me. In the middle, dancing as lively as ever, was Lady Sif, a friend of my brothers. Her wild brown hair flew as she spun and her laugh echoed like a melody against the sound of the music. I smiled and shook my head, "What's the point? Lady Sif is dancing already. I can't beat her."

"Not everything's a competition." Loki pointed out.

"Then you go dance." I suggested.

Loki looked over at me, "No."

"Exactly." My gaze slid over to Thor and I saw that he had 7 smashed cups around him, all of them empty. "Thor!" I hissed underneath my breath as I shook him by his shoulder, "How much did you have to drink?!"

Thor let out a groan and then turned his head to look over at me. I would have laughed at his beet red face if I wasn't so worried. Next to me, Loki didn't even bother trying to mask his snort.

"You might die of alcohol poisoning instead of battle instead if you keep this up." Loki murmured and I smacked his shoulder sharply.

"Loki!" I gasped, "What a thing to say!"

"What?!" Loki protested, rubbing his shoulder where I had smacked him, "Am I wrong?!"

"You shouldn't say things like that." I shot him an icy blue glare and then looked over at Thor, "Brother? Can you hear me? How much did you have?"

"Astrid." Thor's voice was slurred. "I don't want to pass away from alcohol poisoning. That's a coward's way to die."

"I know, I know. And you won't." I said softly, "But I need to know how much you've had, alright?"

"I've had..." Thor trailed off, looked at his fingers, and held up all of them, making both Loki and I grimace, "this many."

"Gods help us." Loki muttered.

Sister of Gods (A Thor fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin