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"I swear to you he has another thing coming,"

Dylan seethed as we took our lunch to the library deciding it would be best to let Riley cool off. I played with the food on my plate my mind still racing back to the humiliation I had just face a few moments ago.

Dylan sat across from me stabbing angrily into their salad as they cursed over Rileys behaviour. "He better apologise or he's gonna wish he was dead, hostly for a guy claiming to be your best friend who does he think he is to treat and talk to you that way..." Dylan rambled furiously though I paid little attention.

"-Im sorry," Dylan sighed cutting me out of my train of thought, I hummed in response not having heard what they said.

"Im sorry I didn't stick up for you in there." Dylan looked down at their food in disappointment. I quickly scooped up their hand in mine. "No, Dylan, that wasn't your fault!" I exclaimed "you were in shock it was stressful for the both of us," I smiled warmly back at them and they sighed.

"Next time I see Riley he's dead." they deadpanned, I laughed as they pushed around the lettuce leaves with their fork.

"So... you and kai," Dylan pushed, her comment causing me to spit out my drink. In a coughing fit I scrambled for tissues avoiding the judge-full eyes of the people around us as they watched the scene unfold.

Dylan giggled quietly at my reaction as I shot daggers in their direction. "no" I stated simply and they rolled their eyes at me calling my bluff.

"I couldn't ever go there" I answered quickly and they asked why. "Riley." they rolled their eyes again this time more dramatically than the last. "besides, it would be wrong for me to be with someone like him."

Dylan still looked at me with lack of understanding. "and why's that?" they pried again, trying to get more incriminating information from me. God, they're so lucky I trusted them so unquestioningly.

"Hes an asshole to start with..." I paused taking in a long breath, "and out of my league in about every way." I had offered up such a weak excuse, and Dylan knew it too, but that was all I could afford to say.

Dylan rolled their eyes, refusing to comment on my response. "You can tell yourself that if you want," they added. "But I don't think someone who's 'out of your league' would be walking over right now to sit with us."

My eyes grew wide in terror as I turned to see him looming over me, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're in my spot," he breathed not even offering me a smile of acknowledgment as he pulled a chair up to our table.

My eyebrows knotted in the middle in frustration as Dylan gave him an investigative glance as he sat and set his food on the table. "Dylan," He eventually glanced over to them in acknowledgment and I could feel jealousy writhing throughout my body as he looked at them, I mean Dylan was gorgeous.

"Charmed," Dylan offered a sarcastic smile before rolling their eyes and giving me a look that read 'he's yours, say something.' rolling my eyes in response I turned to the brunette casually eating his lunch as he scrolled through his phone not paying us any attention.

"What are you doing here kai," I sighed feeling my blood begin to boil from the nerves.

"Eating lunch," he deadpanned not even glancing up at me.

"I meant why here and not in the cafeteria with Dakota and why sit with me out of everyplace." he sighed in frustration clearly annoyed at my pestering. He finally dropped his fork down and turned towards me.

"Dakotas at practice and like I said you're in my spot. don't think you're special miller." with that he turned back to his meal. god how he infuriated me.

"Kai," Dylan spoke his name as if it were silk spun for a spiders web. "why did you go to Lily's apartment."

I looked at Dylan in shock, but their face showed no emotion. They stared at Kai with no care for. if he was offended by their interrogation.

A slight smirk tugged at his lips, wiping his face before he answered. "Which time?" he asked, pleased with his wit. I almost burst into flames from embarrassment.

"when it wasn't just to drop off the history assignment," Dylan continued, hoping their question was narrow enough for him to answer. I sat frozen in my seat as Kai calculated a way to respond.

I could tell he was enjoying this immensely. "I gave her a ride home after Brooklyns party," he stated calmly. "it was late and dangerous for her to walk almost 40 minuets home."

I not so gently kicked Dylan under the table from the annoyance for asking such a question, regardless of wether it pissed Kai off or not. Did they really believe that if he and I had slept together, he'd admit to it in an open library? He was a bold flirt, but he wasn't a moron.

Kai took a final bite of his food, standing up from his seat as he adjusted his shirt. His button-up had been tucked in below his belt and into his trousers, but as he rose from his seat, the shirt lifted slightly too show his toned skin just above his-

I snapped my. attention back after realising I was staring, and there was no possible way he didn't notice. Kai tucked his shirt delicately a smirk plastered on his face, before nodding to Dylan. I didn't bother to look again out of fear id react in a way I wouldn't be able to play off.

Kai turned to me catching my eye locking us into a mesmerising gaze. "I look forward to seeing you again lily," he muttered, it was obvious he was just toying with me to get a reaction and it took every bone in my body to resist as letting his know the effect he had on me would ruin me.

"Kai," I breathed gently, his name gracing my lips like a hymn.

Dylan gagged by the look on his face as I uttered his name. They tried to keep themselves composed as I gave them yet another kick from under the table. He took a long breath as he walked away. I watched him, making eye contact with him again as he turned back to look at me before going out of sight.

"I can see why Riley is jealous," Dylan giggled, moving their legs away to avoid a less-than-playful nudge. "He's hot and completely captivated by you, and you can't even stand to look at him without melting." I rolled my eyes at them.

All I could think about was Kai Wilson and the ways I wished I could see him.

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