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"Oh c'mon tell me"

I groaned as Dylan and I walked down the hall way towards the cafeteria. They had been hinting towards something all morning. All I gathered from them was that this 'thing' had to do with Riley.

I decided to keep my encounters with Seth and Kai a secret, and it worked until Dylan caught me staring at Kai for the following week, I caved and told them.

"No." They sighed, this being probably the a millionth time because I kept asking them about it.

I stopped, a pout on my face as they turned to look at me. "Why not." I argued.

"Because Im not supposed to tell you, lily." They rolled their eyes before focusing on something behind me."Plus you'll find out very soon." They smiled devilishly before scampering off.

"What do you mean" I called after them. They carried on their way and I shook my head.

I had barley turned around when Riley shoved himself into my face and screamed "COME WITH ME!" To avoid anymore unwanted attention and questioning looks from my fellow students, I grabbed his hand. Laughing as I followed him down the halls and towards the gym.


"I don't play basket ball" I laughed staring at the busy courts.

"And I wonder why," he teased as a smirk formed on his face. I could already tell he was going to bring up exactly why I don't play. It wasn't even embarrassing at the time but after being relentlessly teased about it by my friends, I cringe at the memory.

"Don't you even-"

"It wouldn't be because of the time you were flirting with Alex Clark and that basket ball hit you right in the face would it?" He taunted placing a hand to his chin.

Queue the cringe.

"Thanks for the reminder" I scoffed rolling my eyes. "At least Alex apologised."

A devious grin made its way onto Riley's lips. "I still haven't."

"What?" I laughed. There was a flicker of suspicion in his gaze. I narrowed my eyes at him I could tell he was enjoying this little game he began.

"Well... who do you think threw the basket ball in the first place." He smirked.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"You jealous prick," I muttered through gritted teeth as he broke out laughing. With all my force I slapped him on the arm. "Apologise!" My bruised ego demanded.

"Ow! ok, ok I'm sorry for throwing a basket ball at your face." He laughed as he clutched his arm. I slapped him again. "What was that for!" He whined.

"For being a jealous prick." I hissed as we carried on our way towards the courts. "Do you feel threatened by other guys Barnes."

He rolled his eyes. "Tsk, No."

"Then why couldn't you stand it when I flirted with Alex." He opened his mouth to answer but immediately snapped it shut.

"Oh you so feel threatened," I teased at the realisation that I had won his game. "In your dreams Miller." He shrugged.

"Yo Riley!" We looked up in the direction of the courts. Students normally played during lunch but I never really came to watch unless it was with Riley. "You coming or what!" A tall guy called, waving a hand, motioning him over.

"Yh one sec!" Riley called back then turned his attention back to me. "Look lily, I've been thinking and-" oh no... I knew from the slight shift in his demeanour and the awkward smile he was baring at me could mean no good. "- I. want to take you to dinner," I sighed, having had this conversation about a million times, he knew that I didn't want anything more than what we already had. I opened my mouth but before I could so much as utter a word he cut me off. " you don't have to save a date or time right now just think about it, yh?" he offered me a weak smile as he began walking backwards towards the courts. "Coming?" I shook my head in defeat and followed after him.

I walked through the gate before taking a seat on the bleachers. The court was littered with shirtless, sweaty students, most of them in their gym uniform.

I watched as Riley went up to the group of students exchanging the 'typical bro hug'. I scanned the court and immediately spotted a shirtless Kai, his head tilted upwards as he poured water into his mouth. His skin glistening from the sweat that dropped down his toned, sleek back. My eyes trailed upwards when I noticed a small butterfly tattoo on the back of his neck.

I had never seen this tattoo before, perhaps it was new?

A boy yelled from across the court snapping me out of my slightly mesmerised state and Kai turned around.

I couldn't help but admire his sleek, toned physique. He wasn't built like a body builder but he was still toned and sleek. My eyes trailed down from his eyes to his chest, then to his toned torso until I reached the waist band of his shorts.

I immediately snapped my attention away feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. I stole a glance, seeing the smirk on his face made me realise he was enjoying the attention.

But apparently Riley was hating it. His face contorted into a scowl as I looked away from his burning gaze.

With a huff Riley began dribbling the ball at full force towards the hoop. Dodging past the players before jumping up towards the hoop. My eyes widened as I watched him sore higher into the sky. Right as he went to dunk the ball another player blocked him.

That player being Kai.

I watched as Riley's jaw clenched as he chased after Kai. Dribbling the ball down the court. Like a ghost he phased past the other players before jumping and throwing the ball into the hoop.

Players cheered and laughed as Kai smirked, only riling Riley up even more. It was clear the boys didn't like each other, this was sure to get out of hand.

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