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As I suspected things only got worse. Kai ran circles around Riley and he was fuming.

It was horrible to watch knowing that any second Riley would snap.

But thank the Lord the bell rang before anything could get messy.

I hopped off the bleachers, passing gaggles of students as they went off to class. I made my way over to Riley. His face was beat red and his eyebrows knotted together in the center as he glared at Kai. He took a gulp of his water still fixated on the brunette that stood across the court.

"Come on, let's go," I exhaled, clutching the strap of my rucksack tightly. "We're going to be late for class and I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, a voice erupted from the other end of the court. Riley and I both turned our heads towards the two boys left on the other side. By now pretty much all the students had filtered out. Well, all except two.

Specifically Kai Wilson and Dakota Smith.

"Why so tense Barnes?" Dakota called, a smirk sprawled across his smug face. I unintentionally clutched my bag harder, we had gotten so close to avoiding an altercation.

Riley's jaw clenched.

This wasn't going to end well. Kai never really spoke up around people. I knew the boys fought occasionally but why today, after what happened with Kai I couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with me. Not in a Self centered type of way but in a 'you're not a threat' way.

And considering the feud they had and the fact no one was around, I could tell that he had no problem speaking his mind.

"Leaving so soon?" Kai taunted, sending a wink my way. I frowned, Riley looked like he was ready to bash his face in.

"Shut up Wilson." I hissed, I grabbed Riley's arm in attempts to pull him away, but he stood ridged in place, hands balled, scowl etched into his face.

Something flickered in Kai's eyes, a hint of surprise soon followed by amusement. Averting his gaze from Riley, Kai glanced at me. His tongue darted across his bottom lip before he strutted his way towards me, nothing but pride dripping from his expression.

Coming to a stop in front of me, he clamped a finger under my chin, gently tilting my head up to meet his hazle eyes.

"Did you just tell me to shut up?" He grinned, his gaze burning into mine. "I know a few ways you can help me with that." His eyes flickered down to my lips.

I froze, my knees feeling weak before fear began consuming my body as I remember who was stood next to me, Riley.My eyes widened in surprise but before I had a chance to react or rebuttal with a snarky comment, I saw a figure flash in front of me.

Kai stumbled back. A stupid smile drawn across his face as he scoffed, his brown hair hanging messily over his eyes. Slowly raising a hand to his mouth as he wiped the blood off of his cut lip.

"Don't touch her." Riley spat, his face burning red. His chest heaved up and down glaring daggers at the boy in front of us. I stood ridged in my place staring at Kai. Riley grabbed my hand tearing me away from the scene with upmost urgency.

"I can't believe you punched him." I muttered replaying the memory in my mind.

"Serves him right." He huffed. I pulled my hand away, stopping as he turned to face me.

"Punching him was childish, what would've happened if Kai decided to hit you back? I could've handled that on my own." I said with slight annoyance lingering in my tone. Thank god Kai decided not to punch Riley back otherwise I'd probably be on my way to the nurses office right now.

"Yeah, you would've handled that great on your own, with you two making 'lovey-dovey' stares at each other." He scoffed, frowning at me.

I folded my arms against my chest, " 'Lovey-dovey?'- Riley I don't even like him!" I exclaimed and he rolled his eyes in response. I hated when he got like this. Jealous, stubborn and temperamental. He became impossible to reason with.


Knowing there was no reasoning with him until he calmed down I strode past him. Bitterness laced my expression.

"You're acting like a child." I stated before stomping past him in haste.


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