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I woke up to my apartment feeling more frigid than usual I buried my head under my sheets as I pleaded for five more minuets, but I knew I needed to get up.

The sun leaked through my curtains from the window next to my bed. It was preposterously late in the morning.

After my teachers found out about my dad they let me have a long weekend to 'take it easy' honestly at first I didn't want to take the time off, being in my classes was a good distraction to my fear and worry, but after word got out everyone began treating me as if I would break if they came near me. I was better off at home alone, even if it was slowly draining the life out of me.

I hadn't moved from my bed other than when I needed to preform necessary functions. The air was stale like it hadn't been refreshed in days as I walked into my bathroom, I lazily brushed my teeth then splashed water in my face. I was exhausted and a hole of emptiness had formed in the pit of my stomach. The reflection in my sink didn't look like me anymore, instead it was a shell of the person I used to be. I had no appetite and no energy, my entire being was consumed with horrifying and numb thoughts about my dad. I fell back into my bed feeling my eyes begin to drift again when I heard a rather gentle knock at my door. I stayed quiet for a few moments hoping whoever it was would leave.

"lily," His voice was soft. "Lils, I know you're in there." I sighed dragging my heavy body out of bed, I unlocked my front door to reveal a somber looking kai standing infront of me.

"What do you want kai?" I sighed, his eyes scanned over my tired body, eyeing my clothes, or lack of I should say as I stood, leaning against my door in a large, white box tshirt and a pair of. striped pj shorts that barely covered my ass. His eyes lingered around my exposed legs before he cleared his throat and snapped his attention back to my eyes.

He carefully stepped into my dark apartment, looking over at the dining table with a mountain of Tupperware of 'soul' food that Mr Sai kept leaving for me when he came to check on me after too hearing about my dad. He claimed that the food would make me feel better, but I had no appetite nor the strength or heart to tell him I didn't feel like eating so there it stayed in a pile on my kitchen table.

Kai gently set a pile of papers onto the table, "You haven't eaten." he stated blankly as he looked up at me, his expression was laced with worry though it was hard to tell with him. I sighed rolling my eyes, I really didn't feel like getting a lecture from him right now.

"Kai." I cut. " why are you here." I grabbed the papers he left on the table scanning through them.

"Ms White asked me to drop off the next section of our group project." he said quite curt gesturing to the papers in my hand as he walked to each of my windows and pulled open the curtains.

"Right well thank you for bringing them to me, you can go now." I set the papers back down and stared at him expectingly, waiting him to leave as my patience began running thin.

"No." he breathed. I laughed thinking he was joking only to watch as he began throwing the old food in the Tupperware away and began rummaging through my fridge. I stood bewildered at the sheer audacity of this man.

"What are you doing." I quizzed as i watched him beging to pull an array of ingredients, pots, pans and utensils as he rummaged carefully through my cupboards and draws.

"Cooking you a healthy meal. You look like death." He didn't turn to look at me just simply carried on his merry way as if he owned the place.

"Kai no," I put my foot down this was beyond humiliating. "I don't need your help just leave, I don't need you." he simply ignored me. I called his name waiting for a response but nothing. enthralled with the knowledge that he was going nowhere I huffed making my way back to bed.

"No you don't." his words stopped me dead in my tracks and I spun around. "You're not going to rot in your bed." he stated.

"Don't tell me what to do." I huffed crossing my arms against my chest. He finally turned to look at me, he walked forward, planting himself directly infront of me, the soft scent of oranges and sea salt took over my senses, his scent was intoxicating. Kai gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and told me to sit and keep him company. I reluctantly agreed and watched as he cooked.

Mouthwatering smells filled my apartment bringing the life back into it. strangely it felt warmer with his presence here. I watched Kai chop, fry and effortlessly whip together a meal, I didn't even know he could cook. He set a plate infront of me and set his down in the seat across from me. I thanked him as I stared at the dish, it honestly looked too good to eat.

"Eat." He stated pointing at my food with his fork as he took a mouthful.

"Im not hungry." I sighed feeling worse by the second.

"I don't care. Eat." I glared at him and he stared blankly at me back clearly standing his ground. it was obvious he knew I hadn't been eating. I rolled my eyes as I obliged and took a bite. As nice as this was I couldn't help but feel completely humiliated, Kai was taking pity on me and it made my skin writhe.

"Kai why are you doing this for me." I kept my gaze on the dish, staring at the food not daring to take another bite, afraid id choke on my anxious breaths. there was a pause where he looked at me as if he was trying to decipher all the thoughts that were running through my head.

"Im not taking pity on you if that's what you're thinking," he mused causing my heart to ache Im not even sure why I cared I hated it when people took pity on me yet why did I want him to care so much. He took another bite of his food. "you did the same for me." there was a long pause the air feeling heavy between us. "with my dad." he finally finished but didn't dare look up at me.

I stared at him, a whirl wind of emotions shot through my brain and heart. One moment I resented him. I hated the way he carried himself, his nonchalant behaviour, his snarky comments, his general attitude and most of all the effect he seemed to have on me.

But then, there was this side of him that as nurturing. I adored this side he was charming and caring and seemed interested in ever slight movement I made. The one that bothered to turn up and stay by my side when I didn't ask and persisted he leave, the one that showed when those like Riley who claimed to care the most for me didn't even come offer support.

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