4. A Pair Of Green Eyes

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Chaos instantly unfolded, mixed with excitement and determination, as all the students in the hall strived to grab an orb!

Celia had always wondered why Elfsworth Academy accepted thousands of students, but only a few hundred remained.

'So this is why?!' She realized,  watching a thousand students from various magical races struggle to claim their class orbs.

Fairies, with their ethereal wings aglow, danced through the air with unmatched grace, snatching orbs effortlessly.

"They make it look so easy!" A nearby elf remarked, watching in awe.

"Indeed. Their wings give them an advantage!" Another elf replied, adjusting his spectacles, and then directing a summoning spell at an orb, and this is what most elves were doing, either trying to summon the orbs, or more them with telepathy.

Meanwhile, the merpeople showcased their aquatic prowess, trying to use jets of water to short orbs down. A beautiful mermaid conjured a miniature whirlpool, propelling her and her brother upward with playful laughter.

"How creative!" Celia thought, before turning her attention to the goblins, who were renowned for their physical strength, and had formed a tower, each goblin boosting the next to reach higher orbs.

Amidst the spectacle, Celia shut her eyes and cast a discreet summoning spell, drawing an orb toward her with precision.

It was a light blue orb which read: 'Year One, Jade Class', and as the orb's light blue changed to a bright white, her black bow tie turned light blue.

The orb still read 'Year One, Jade Class', but there was now an addition which read: Celia Elizabeta Scarlett.

Celia smiled at the orb, a small ball which represented big changes in her life!

But unknown to her, a pair of green eyes were curiously studying her...

'Smooth move.' The little boy thought, because just moments ago, he had used a similar spell to get an orb.

'Silvery white hair and red irises... It's her!' And with a smile, he glanced at his own ball which also read: 'Year One, Jade Class'

And below that, in crisp golden letters:

Taze Nowen.


Classes began immediately after the 'assembly', and they all rushed through the large palace-like building, following the little arrows that had appeared on their orbs.

Celia ran along with the others, enjoying the rush, and when she finally reached the Year One Jade Class, there was a big smile on her face, though she was panting.

The classroom was a blend of traditional elegance and magical charm.

There were enchanted tapestries along the walls, depicting scenes from ancient battles and legendary sorcerers, and the desks were high-quality polished wood, etched with intricate runes that glowed softly with magic.

Finding a strategic invisible desk around the middle of the class, Celia settled into her seat, placing her book on the desk.

But as she adjusted to her surroundings, a familiar sensation crept over her, subtle yet undeniable, like a soft whisper in a crowded room.

Her gaze wandered around the class, searching for the source of that feeling, and before long, her eyes locked onto a pair of mesmerizing green eyes, boldly meeting her own.

She was instantly reminded of the flower field, and the first time she had looked into Vitav's startling blue eyes.

There was no denying it. It was the same feeling!

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