Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Meet.

She could not take her eyes off him. Even in this dimly lit club, his presence drew her in. She could see the outline of his body, he was massive, she concluded with the conviction of woman that knew his body. She did not! The small beams of red light in the roof created a deliciously sinister aura around him. The music pulsated through the room and all she could hear was her heart thumping in her chest.

"Flo?"- she heard her name. It was almost like she was in a trance. He was making her look at him with his magnetic presence. She took him in as she drew in a shaky breath. He had long, blonde hair, longer than she'd prefer, his jawline sharp and his body... he looked like a warrior. His shoulders were broad, holding up a sculptured chest and she knew that every inch of him was toned. Flo was a tall girl and in heels she was Amazonian but he could easily tower over her. She loved it! This body she admired wore all black: jeans, T shit and boots. He sat on the opposite side of the club behind a red rope with his party. She guessed that one of the men was getting married and this was the bachelor party. Florence knew that the mysterious man she couldn't take her eyes off of wasn't the groom. He'd been talking to a woman the whole duration of her gawking. He ran a hand through his blonde hair as the woman next to him whispered something into his ear. He smirked at what she said and looked at her in way that made Flo's heart drop to her stomach. Jealousy? No, it couldn't be. He wasn't even her type.

"Flo!" - her friends voice finally snapped her out of her trance.

"He is hot isn't he?", Happy asked as she gestured to his table.

Florence blinked at her friend's question. He was good looking, she admitted to herself but he was good looking in a way that usually didn't attract her. He had a scruffy beard that gave him a ragged edge. He was also incredibly large, like a viking maybe? She didn't know. From here, Flo only got a glimpse of his face here and there, the lighting in the vicinity didn't give much away but she knew, with every fibre of her being that his eyes were blue. The kind of blue that she could lose herself in. No, he was not her type, she knew that. She just had to make her body understand the fact. She shook herself back to sanity and looked back at her friends.

"He's alright." - she smiled, hoping that her friend would take her response as sufficient. Her attraction to this man, this man she didn't know, shook her but she knew that nothing could come of it. After being single for nearly three years, Flo had stopped getting her hopes up about fleeting feelings even though this felt different. So, she would dance to the music, drink her MCC and enjoy Cape Town's night life.

"I figured you'd say that! That man is fine and he'd be great with you. Can you imagine the sex with a body like that? Plus he is way over six feet tall." - Happy whispered in ear her as she covered it with her hand to make sure Florence heard everything over the load music.

In that moment Florence stole one more look at him. She took her time taking him in and she knew that her gaze felt like a physical touch because she hid nothing in her appraisal of him. When she got to the outlines of his face, admiring his chiselled bone structure, eyes that were probably blue were looking back at her. The smile that played on his lips disappeared. It felt as though everyone around them fell away and the darkness he exuded engulfed her from across the room, behind their red rope. Flo could not help but bring her lower lip between her teeth as the look between them intensified. In all her 33 years of living, this was not a moment she thought she could have with anyone. She'd felt attraction, had chemistry with the father of her son and has had body-rattling orgasms. She didn't believe in lust at first sight. No, chemistry was created through conversations and interactions that lay a base for sexual tension. They had a word for it, a person that found attraction in intelligence instead of physical attributes. She couldn't think of it in this moment. She couldn't breathe in this moment because now his eyes on her. He shamelessly ogled her. She'd worn a strapless dress that hugged every curve on her body and curves she had in abundance. Her breast were round and large, her bottom plumb and large and her hips, well, they were curved. He couldn't possible be looking at her! It was brazen, this thing that passed between them and too intense to be true. She took her eyes off of him and took a breath, no, it could not be happening.

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