Chapter 5 -the unknown men

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Camilla Pov

It has now been 2 weeks since I got out the hospital, 2 weeks since my best friend Flora came to live with us in LA.

Everything has been going amazing actually. I started school to, and Flora aswell. School has been good actually, and that boy I saw at the underground before I went to the hospital-Luca- he also goes to that school. He's 15. We do look at each other from time to time but whenever I look into his eyes, I get butterflies, and I never get that.

My cuts, bruises, and ribs have been healing great actually. Me and my brothers have been bonding a lot. Except for me and Santino. I really don't know what his problem is with me, but it is starting to annoy me.

Flora is living in her own house across from our house. Papa tried telling Flora that she can stay with us, but she dais she didn't want to, not in a mean way ofcourse.

Right now I'm going to school, with my brothers. Flora, is in Spain for assassin work,so she isn't gonna be here for 3 months.

When we got to school I went to my locker and got my books. I atleast don't have bullies, I think it's because of Flora and my brothers. I don't really look scary on the outside, bit the inside is something else.

When I was done getting my books, I went to my first class art. I honestly love art, we can paint what we feel inside. And so far in this class I so the best work.

The class went by smoothly. Now it's next period, science. That is where Luca is, the guy from the underground. I really don't know how I've never seen him before.

He's really hot, cute and- gosh why am I even thinking like this, he doesn't even know me.

When I got to science I saw Luca, he never comes to this class. Why now?

But I went to sit anyway, at the back where I always sit. Luca was on the other side of the class, but he ended up right at the seat next to me. Uhh, creepy.

"Hey, Cami, y'know I see you looking at me everyday, y'know it very creepy."he says smirking and I frown.

"Hah, says you who also looks at me every single day, and you were on the other side of the class, and yet here you are magically right next to me, and you say I'm creepy."I say chuckling a bit, and I see him looking at me with adoration in his eyes.

"OK, ok fair enough."he says and I smile and turn to do work again.

"Miss, Bianchi, please come to the principle office please."I hear the principle say sounding scared.

I stand up and walk to the door but I can feel Luca looking at me.

I wonder why I have to go to the principle office.

When I got into the office I saw 4 men with their backs facing me. Who are they?? I don't think this is my Papa.

I immediately run out the office and to the parking lot. I take my brothers car and speed to the underground.

Why don't I just go home, might you ask?? Well I don't want my family in danger, even though they are the mafia, I still don't want them to get hurt because of me.
After a while when I got to the underground everyone was looking at me, and I then saw Luca and my brothers.

I ignore them and lock the door behind me. My eyes are big. One of those men looked very familiar. But who is he??

My brothers and Luca immediately came toward me. "What the fuck are you doing here!"my brother Carlo screams, but I ignore it and look through the little hole on the door and see cars and I mutter a small fuck.

I go to my room I have here in the underground and put my fighting clothes on.

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