Chapter 4 -almost dying

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Camilla Pov

I don't know why but telling my dad and brothers about the street racing, underground fighting, and all the stuff, it just feels like a weight had been lifted, y'know.

Right now I'm getting dressed, cuz my best friend is coming too LA today, and I really can't wait, I haven't seen her in 4 fuckin months. It's just too long.

I was wearing black jeans with a red crop top with noodle straps, and black boots-heels kinda shoes. I know, I know, '13 year olds aren't supposed to wear those kinda close' but I really don't care what people think of me.

After getting dressed, I went downstairs and into the kitchen to see no-one there, so I just took an apple and went out the door.

While I was walking out the gates, I got a call. "Hello Flora, you almost here?"I ask knowing it's her.

"Yes, I can't wait, it's been too long, fuck."she says as I hear a car door close. "Yeah, I agree, I can't wait too see you."I say smiling, and taking a bite out my apple.

"Well, I'll see you later, I'm an hour away."she says and I just know she has the biggest smile on her face.

After we say our goodbyes. I walked to a close park and ate the rest of my apple there, and watched as the little kids were playing together. It reminded me how I never had a childhood, well I had but not for long y'know.

As I was watching the kids, I had an amazing idea. Going to underground fighting, to let all the anget inside me out. I mean I'm very famous in the underground, I'm known as 'The dark shadow'. Someone made that name for me the second day that I was in the underground, I don't even know who, all I know is that he's 14, and that's it.

When I arrived at the underground people started clapping and saying 'The dark shadow is back' or 'here comes the bad' and even 'Luca will meet her'

Huh? Who is Luca? Whatever, I ignore what they all say, and sign my name up for a fight.

While I was waiting for my fight I was sitting and watching other fight. But, the whole time I could feel someone stare at me. I looked around, but saw no-one. Weird.

After a couple fights, it was finally my turn. Can't wait.

When I stood up too fast, I felt something inside my stomach move, and I think it's a broken rib... fuck, I forgot I'm not completely healed from Vince. I can't back down now.

When they call my underground name I walk into the ring slowly so my ribs won't go bazaar in my stomach.

When I got into the ring I waited for the person I was gonna fight. Then he came in a big fuckin guy. Just my luck. Well there goes my ribs.

Just when we got into position, I grabbed my stomach in pain. Seriously, this is really bad, but I have to try and push through the pain.

Just when they wanted too say 'start' I felt like I couldn't breath. I tried to catch my breath but it was hard. It was like someone was stabbing me into my chest.

My eyes was starting to close. I could see people coming into the ring, standing infront of me trying to see what's wrong, they all had worried faces. What? Why?

Suddenly they are all pushed away, and then I see the most hottest guy infront of me, and people saying that it's Luca.

He then touched both my cheeks, talking, but I only hear muffle voices. My eyes were starting to close more and more.

"My fucking ribs."was the last thing I said when I fell unconscious, I thought I was going to fall on the floor, but someone caught me, I think it was Luca.

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