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* Maya climbs through the window, because she doesn't want anyone to see her crying her eyes out*
Why does everyone I love leave me. Or hurt me.
I'm like a plaque that no one wants to be around. But how does Lucas not see that I'm crazy about him. His laugh, his smile, how much effort he puts into our little game, the way he hugged me. His deep hazel eyes. I guess hope is for suckers.
* there's a knocking at the window, & she doesn't know who it is, so she grabs a bat for protection.*
MAYA: *wiping the tears from her eyes* sorry. I didn't know it was you. Rebel, what are you doing here. *brandon was his real name, but people called him rebel. He was her next door neighbor, they also went to school together*
BRANDON: please, call me Brandon. & I saw you crying, so I thought you might want to talk to somebody.
MAYA: oh, well thanks but no thanks. *shes about to shut the window when Brandon says*
BRANDON: I brought cookies.
MAYA: come in *she starts to smirk*
BRANDON: so, what happened that made you so upset?
MAYA: well this boy I like, likes someone else, but the person he likes is already dating someone else, so he asked me to the semi formal, just to find out that he only asked me to make her jealous. Oh! And then they kissed. Right in front of me. *takes a big bite out of a cookie & pouts*
BRANDON: so you like Lucas.
MAYA: wha. No. I- did you know!
BRANDON: well, it was pretty obvious hart.
MAYA: yeah well I hate him.
BRANDON: oh really? You sure about that.
MAYA: Yeah! I don't like him anymore.
BRANDON: oh, then you would be fine if I did this. *brandon kisses her, and then she did this*
MAYA: *slaps him* WHAT WAS THAT FOR!
BRANDON: well, you said you didn't like him, so I kissed you to see if you were telling the truth. & you obviously still like lu- *he gets interrupted by Maya, she kissed him.*
MAYA: I don't like Lucas. Not anymore.
BRANDON: * in awe* wow. I believe you.
MAYA: good. * blushing*

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