All of their guns were now pointed at her. Including Jeno's.

"I was going to tell you. Please belie--"

"Believe you? After this?" Jeno growled.

"I will explain, Jeno. Just not now plea--"

"You better fucking explain now." Mark cut her off.

Eight paused for a while, mustering all the courage she could obtain. "I'm Yang Haera.... I'm the daughter of Yang Do Yoon, the old boss." She said.

"Explain the pictures." Mark ordered.

Eight looked at the boys.

Oh god, what did I do?

She saw how Mark's face held a furious gaze towards her. Jisung wasn't the bubbly angel she loved seeing before. Chenle and Renjun couldn't even look at her. Jaemin and Haechan was ready to shoot anytime. And Jeno only had a blank and lifeless stare.

It wasn't the Sueño she knew anymore.

And Eight couldn't help but blame herself over and over again.

"R..." Eight paused again. "Revenge. I wanted revenge. I wanted to kill Diego and Jang Tae Hyuk, the godfather. The godfather... he..." Tears started to form in Eight's eyes.

"He what?" Jeno stepped closer, gun still pointed at Eight.

"I can't--"

"He did what, Eight!" Jeno exploded.

"He took advantage of me after he forced me to kill my father!" The room went silent.

"Liar!" Diego shouted. "Don't you dare twist their minds again!"

Eight remained silent.

Diego walked towards Eight, circled her, and spoke. "Didn't you say that you were going to gain the trust of Sueño to become the new boss of Sin Nombre? You never wanted revenge. You only wanted power, just like how your father was greedy with it too. So, tell me, how in the world are they going to trust you anymore? Even Jaehyun who was your best friend turned his back on you." Diego laughed and pulled Eight by the back of her hair, he pulled out a hidden knife from Eight's belt and held it up to her neck. Eight did not try to fight back. Not anymore when all hell in her life was starting to break loose.

Diego pressed the knife on her neck causing blood to flow from her neck. Eight remained emotionless as Diego continuously pushed the knife down her skin. "So, tell me, Haera, how in the world can you be trusted when you're a manipulative woman?"

Eight's eyes were only on Jeno. Tears started streaming down her face.

She wanted to run to him and tell him that it was not true. That she cares for them too. But she knew how this was also her fault.

"Until you admit to us and my Sueño that you used them to climb into power, you will not catch a glimpse of freedom." Diego said and pushed Eight away. She fumbled to the ground in front of Jeno and the members but they remained standing. They stared her down, a word not escaping their mouths.

"I'd rather die than admit to your lies." Eight said and spat on Diego's shoes.

Diego was further angered. He gave one of his men a look and nodded. The man holding a whip suddenly grabbed Eight. Eight fought back but she was only met with a fist on her stomach. She grunted in pain and found herself kneeling on the floor.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now