Morning teasing and Art exhibition

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Their lighthearted exchange filled the kitchen with warmth as they awaited their breakfast, the bond between them evident in their playful teasing.

As Alan entered the kitchen, he greeted everyone cheerfully, his presence adding to the lively atmosphere.

He noticed Sonic and couldn't resist mussing up his hair affectionately.

Alan: "Morning, everyone! What's for breakfast?"

Sonic let out a dramatic whine as Alan tousled his hair, earning a playful peck on the head from him.

With an exaggerated pout, Sonic stomped his foot and marched over to Pete, seeking solace from his teasing tormentors.

Sonic: "Phi pete! Everyone keeps teasing me about being a baby!"

Pete chuckled, patting Sonic's back reassuringly.

Pete: "Aw, don't worry, Sonic. They're just jealous of how cute you are. Besides, being the baby has its perks, right?"

Sonic rolled his eyes but couldn't help but crack a small smile at Pete's attempt to cheer him up.

Meanwhile, in the midst of the teasing and banter, Charlie and Kenta continued their playful exchange.

Charlie: " Phi Ken, why are you always teasing poor Sonic? He's just a little baby!"

Kenta grinned mischievously, leaning against the counter.

Kenta: "Ah, but lil Charlie, you know how much fun it is to rile him up! Plus, he's our resident cutie, isn't he?"

Charlie shook his head, unable to suppress his own smile at Sonic's antics.

Charlie: "You're incorrigible, phi  Kenta. But yeah, Sonic's our little ray of sunshine."

Their banter was interrupted momentarily as the aroma of breakfast filled the air, courtesy of Charlie's culinary skills.

He plated up the food with finesse, setting the dishes on the table as the rest of the group gathered around.

As they settled around the dining table and began to enjoy their meal, Alan cleared his throat to draw their attention.

Alan: "Hey, everyone, I have some important news to share. There's going to be a highly anticipated art exhibition happening soon, and it's said to feature some truly priceless pieces."

The others nodded in agreement, their interest piqued by the prospect of attending such a prestigious event.

However, Sonic, who was fully engrossed in devouring his breakfast, seemed oblivious to the conversation.

Alan: "It's crucial that we attend this exhibition. There may be some valuable acquisitions up for grabs, and we wouldn't want to miss out on any opportunities."

Kenta and Pete exchanged knowing glances, recognizing Alan's eagerness to acquire valuable assets for their organization.

Meanwhile, Charlie and Dean nodded in agreement, their minds already buzzing with anticipation at the thought of exploring the world of art.

Charlie: "Sounds like a plan to me. I'm always up for admiring some fine art."

Dean: "Count me in too. It'll be a nice change of pace from our usual routine."

As Sonic happily devoured his breakfast, Pete couldn't help but smile at the sight of their youngest member enjoying his meal without a care in the world.

Pete: "Hey, baby Sonic, you wanna join us for something exciting?"

Sonic looked up from his plate, his expression a mix of curiosity and innocence.

Sonic: "Join you? In what phi?"

Dean chimed in, trying to include Sonic in the conversation.

Dean: "We're talking about the art exhibition, Sonic. It's going to be a big event, and we thought you might want to come along."

Sonic's eyes lit up with interest, but he didn't miss a beat as he continued to eat.

Sonic: "Oh, sure! Whatever you guys wanna do, I'm in."

Alan leaned in close to the others, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he whispered.

Alan: "Looks like our little Sonic is too busy with his food to know what we're talking about."

The others chuckled softly, their affection for Sonic evident as they watched him enjoy his meal with childlike enthusiasm.


In the cozy atmosphere of the Phoenix mafia mansion, the members gathered around the dining table for their morning meal.

Winner, as usual, took charge of delivering important news to the group.

Winner: "Good morning, everyone. I have some interesting information to share with you all. There's going to be a prestigious art exhibition in Thailand next month."

Babe, North, Jeff, Kim, and Way looked up from their breakfast, their interest piqued by Winner's announcement.

Babe: "Thailand, huh? That sounds intriguing. What's the occasion?"

Winner: "It's a high-profile event featuring some of the most valuable artworks from around the world. It's a great opportunity for us to expand our network and perhaps acquire some valuable assets."

Jeff: "Sounds like it could be beneficial for our operations. We should definitely consider attending."

Kim: "Agreed. It could also be a chance for some much-needed relaxation and enjoyment."

Way nodded thoughtfully, considering the possibilities.

Way: "Indeed. Let's look into it further and see how we can make the most of this opportunity."

As they continued their breakfast, the members of the Phoenix mafia discussed the logistics of attending the art exhibition in Thailand and the potential benefits it could bring to their organization.

As the discussion continued, Soul sauntered into the room, yawning and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Soul: "Good morning, everyone. What's all the chatter about?"

Babe: "Hey there, sleepyhead. We were just discussing an art exhibition in Thailand."

Soul's eyes widened with interest, and he perked up, his drowsiness dissipating.

Soul: "Thailand? That sounds cool! What kind of art will be there?"

Winner: "All sorts, I imagine. Paintings, sculptures, probably some rare artifacts too."

Soul's curiosity sparked, and he leaned in, eager to learn more.

Soul: "Wow, that sounds amazing! Can we go? I'd love to see all the cool stuff!"

Babe chuckled at Soul's enthusiasm, while the others exchanged amused glances.

Babe: "Of course, kiddo. We'll see if it fits into our plans."

Soul nodded eagerly, already imagining the adventure that awaited them in Thailand.


Author's note: Next episode will be the meeting....but im Sorry if it's boring....and its short... Please show some support naa .. I'm feeling lil bit uneasy and idk what I wrote but    I hope you liked it... Please show some love bubbly pumpkins... I'll see u guys in next episode till then take care of yourselves and I love you all💕✌🏻

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