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The future had a lot in store for him, and he felt like things were going to be harder from now on. In order to get some fresh air, Yoshi decided to head to the balcony that each dorm had installed. He just stood there, with no shirt on, and stared at the academy in the distance. Even though it was snowing, and he should probably cover up his upper half, some cold air was welcome after he... got closer with Minori.

No matter who he ends up becoming, no matter what stands in his way, even if Kamigari decide to show their faces again... he felt like nothing could stop him from destroying his opponents, and protecting everything that he cared about, whether it's something... or someone.

Yoshi: 'Come back and show yourselves again... I dare you. I'm ready for anything, and you can believe that.' He thought that as he started heading back inside, but before he could take a single step... Yoshi started to feel dizzy. It almost felt like it hurt, but his concern wasn't focused on his dizziness, it was focused on everything else around him. His surroundings were vibrating, as if an earthquake was occurring. "W-What the!?"

While trying to understand what was going on, Yoshi quickly ran back into his dorm. He wanted to check on the two women that were living with him. There was Minori Rokujou, the woman Yoshi was in bed with earlier, and Aki Nijou, the school nurse... who he's also in a relationship with. When Yoshi made it inside his dorm, he saw Aki looking at Minori with a smile, and Minori was standing near the door leading to their bedroom, wearing nothing but a blanket covering her modesty.

Sadly, something was wrong. It's no surprise why Aki was smiling after she and a few more women saw Yoshi leave the bedroom wearing no shirt, not to mention Minori covering her naked body with a blanket, but it looked like Aki was still smiling. There was something resembling an earthquake going on right now, but she and Minori aren't even trying to leave the dorm. Matter of fact... they weren't moving at all. It looked like they were frozen in place, and Yoshi had no idea why.

Yoshi: "W-What's going on!?" After quickly running into the bedroom to put a shirt on, Yoshi tried to figure out why Minori and Aki weren't moving. He wanted to pick them up and help them out of the dormitory, but then he felt nothing underneath his feet. He wasn't able to lay a single finger on the school nurse or the principal, and with nothing beneath his feet... he began to fall.

As he fell, Yoshi was forced to witness the colour of his features slowly fade away

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As he fell, Yoshi was forced to witness the colour of his features slowly fade away. His blue eyes became grey, and his red hair was turning black. His clothes lost their colour as well, even though he was wearing a black t-shirt. His pants were dark blue, the official uniform of Tenbi Academy, and even those weren't spared as their colour faded as well. It wasn't just his features and clothes, but his vision turned black and white. His dizziness was starting to disappear as his surroundings started to paint a clearer picture, but Yoshi wasn't gonna like it.

During this ordeal, Yoshi felt like his voice was taken away. He couldn't shout out to Minori or anyone else for help, he couldn't say a word. Suddenly, he was blinded by a bright light, and when it was gone... so was the black and white surroundings. Why wouldn't Yoshi like that? Because he somehow found himself in the air, falling down towards an office building. The fall was too fast for him to fully prepare himself for the impact, and with that... Yoshi hit the roof of the office building. To make matters worse, the impact was too much for the roof to handle. Yoshi ended up hitting the roof hard enough to break through and hit the top floor... then the floor beneath that, and the floor beneath that, and so on.

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