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It was obvious that this city has been under siege, or perhaps it went through a riot, or even war. Not a single part of this cesspool of a city was clean. Everything around them gave off the same vibe, either everything was destroyed and useless... or everything was out to kill you.

Kazuichi: "Geez, there never seems to be an end to this." Kazuichi and Akane were still carefully roaming around the alleys, mostly focused on avoiding the main streets. From what Kazuichi has said after reuniting with Akane, he hasn't encountered those Monokuma bots yet, not like her. If anything, he dodged a bullet. If possible, Akane would love to forget seeing a civilian getting killed right in front of her.

Akane: "All we can do is keep moving and hope that the others are here somewhere."

Kazuichi: "Hey... I think I have an idea of where we are."

Akane: "Huh?"

Kazuichi: "I do recall reading an article about a certain city located on an isolated island. There was only one way to access the island, and that was by crossing a bridge. Of course, you could just ride a helicopter there, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. It's possible that we're in... Towa City."

Akane: "Towa City? Huh, I feel like I've heard of that before."

Kazuichi: "Towa City is an island off the coast of Japan. Towa Group and their cutting-edge technology used to run the show here. I remember finding many notes that Makoto and his friends left behind, I found them on that ship we captured."

Akane: "You mean the ship we used to get to the Future Foundation's headquarters?"

Kazuichi: "Yep, that's the one. Ever since the world went to shit... thanks to us, air pollution has made a lot of the planet uninhabitable. But Towa Group developed an air purifier that can clean massive quantities of air at a time. I'm pretty sure Towa City suffered far less damage than most cities around the world. The Future Foundation took immediate interest in claiming this city, but they ran into a few roadblocks."

Akane: "Like what?" 

Kazuichi: "From what I found on the ship, there was a group of children dead set on continuing Junko Enoshima's work. I think they called themselves the 'Warriors of Hope'. They wanted to make a paradise just for kids, and that involved... killing all the grown-ups. If we were sent here, could those brats be behind this?"

Akane: "But... how did we get here in the first place?"

Kazuichi: "Well... remember how we were taken to Jabberwock Island? We were in a classroom before that happened, maybe the same applies here."

Akane: "But we weren't in the real world when that happened, remember? We were put in the Neo World Program, that's how we went from one place to another so quickly. I don't think the same rules apply here."

Kazuichi: "Wow... that was pretty smart of you."

Akane: "Huh!? What's that supposed to mean!?"

Kazuichi: "It's just that I... usually don't hear you say smart things." All that response did was piss her off, it made her want to sucker punch him in the jaw. Sensing the danger, Kazuichi has no choice but to try and explain himself again. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean."

Akane: "...No, I guess you have a point. I wasn't really that smart during the killing game, but I tried to help everyone during the trials."

Kazuichi: "...Yeah, I can relate. During our time waiting for the others to wake up from the Neo World Program, I had a lot of time to reflect on what happened during the killing game. I was helpful at times, but I mostly spent my time admiring Miss Sonia... no, I mean... Sonia. I treated her like a princess, but she didn't want that at all. Everyone else treated her like a normal person, but I insisted on putting her on a pedestal. Every time I treated her like that... the more she began to avoid me. Damn, now's not the time for that. I can't just complain about it and expect things to change on their own, I need to be the one to make that change."

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