I can't without you..

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Hey, there I am with a new fic but this time a short one shot with much pain and suffer.. I have no joke cried so many times while writing this because of the pain here 🥹 this really destroyed my heart so bad and now it's your turn to feel it. I actually hate writting angst about my fav ship because I want to see them happy all the time. I got this idea when I had my last day of my death seminar (I'm doing a education as a nurse) while this seminar I got this idea about them and couldn't stop thinking about it as well so I start writing about it.

⚠️ Also trigger warning for the people who can't read something about suicide or death, it's a very sensitive subject so if you're feeling not well don't read it pls⚠️

Oh and if you read in some moments the word ,, sark'' I mean casket! I looked like 4 times though the text but I didn't found any of it but if I should forget some points pls knew it means ,, casket''

Enjoy reading it <3 ( it sounds so stupid cuz it's a painful story about your fav ship😭)

The world would be a wonderful place to live if there were no difficulties.

We all live to see and learn new and interesting things. Most things would be interesting to other people but would be uninteresting to the other half of the people.

There are many things to discover in the world, such as new places, new countries/ cities, Islands, rivers and seas, different types of creatures, planets, stars. We have never really seen the galaxy with our own eyes but this is also one of the most interesting researches that everyone is curious about.

But you don't just get to know that, you also get to know other things like love. How you can love someone and decide to live the rest of your life with that one specific person, who was a complete stranger in the beginning and has now become the most important part of your life and heart.

You learn how to laugh more together, how to have fun, how to do couple things, how to hug each other tightly in a soft blanket when it's cold, the narrowness that there won't be room for two people on one bed, where you squeeze each other just because you want to sleep together arm in arm. Hearing the loving romantic words "I love you" while his heart starts beating loudly, the childlike smile. His face appears when he likes something his partner does to make him happy. Even the simple act of eating or calling your name is enough to see the childlike but loving smile, especially when the pink, red blush begins to appear on his  cheeks. Constant kissing on the loved one or cheek is a sign of love and satisfaction which makes someone incredibly happy and feels loved. When soft lips touch his passionately and begin to move in tandem as if they were made for each other. The arms wrapped around his  neck to deepen it and want more, it was all real and he could only love it with the right person on your side.

The feeling of getting closer to a person, touching places that you've never done before with anyone else. Gain a lot of new experiences that you had no idea about at the time or could imagine. Feeling how this person can love you gives you an incredibly strong will to continue living and to stay only with this person and to give everything and the best that you can offer.

Love was an amazing thing. Full of happiness, life, smile, a perfect affection. The warmth of the heart that you constantly feel when you look into your partner's eyes and just feel butterflies in your stomach was heavenly, very mysterious how love can actually arise suddenly and change you so much, the passion was definitely there and would be there forever. From day to day, second to second, month to month, year to year, an eternity.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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