Chapter 5: Black Knights in konoha

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Underneath the ruins of Uzushiogakure, a flash of light appears as it fades away revealing Naruto with his group with both Zabuza and Haku. Both of whom are feeling a little nauseous due to being teleported so suddenly.

"Next at least warn us about that." Zabuza said after getting over his nausea he looked around the area and had to admit he was impressed by how well the structure was done.

"So this is your base of operations." Haku asked as he was also impressed by the structure of the base.

"The underground part yes." Ryūga said as he looked at the two "the upper part is in ruins but we are fixing it and would go there for training or we are moving supplies that we take from the outside world."

Naruto pulled down his hood revealing his spiky blond hair and ocean blue eyes. Then he turned towards Ryūga and Kimimaro." Ryūga you go and show our new members the living quarters and training field. Kimimaro you go and tell everyone else to gather at the meeting room in three hours. I will go and speak to sensei." He said

Kimimaro bowed his head. "Hai Naruto-sama." He said and took off to do the tasks as he goes off in one direction. Ryūga led Zabuza and Haku to another. Haku turned around to see Naruto disappear via the lighting body flicker. Once the blond was gone the ice release user turned towards Ryūga and asked "Excuse me Ryūga-san, but I am curious as to who Naruto-san's sensei is? Do you know?"

Ryūga nodded his head without looking at him. "Yes and he is not just Naruto's sensei he is sensei to everyone in the group, as he has trained and helped all of us." He said

"And may I know who he is then?" Zabuza wondered who trained all of them.

"You know him as Yoriichi Tsugikuni the god of fire or the Sun blade." Ryūga answered.

Zabuza stopped in his tracks eyes widened in disbelief." You mean the Yoriichi Tsugikuni that is hailed as the current strongest and the most formidable shinobi swordsman of this era alive!!" He almost shouted while still trying to process what he just heard.

"Yes the same and he has been training me and Naruto since we were 7 years old but as the group grew he trained or gave pointers on how to improve our techniques." Ryūga said

Haku decides to change the subject before her sensei faints from getting shocked again. "So Ryūga-san how many people are in this group?" He asked

"Quite a lot actually." Ryūga said as they made a turn. "Most of them are around my and Naruto's age while the rest of them are in their twenties. You might know one of them as Suigetsu Hozuki."

That got Zabuza out of his shocked state. "Suigetsu? Mangetsu's little brother? Thought the runt died years ago. This could be interesting, I wonder if he's going to try and take my head so he can have my sword?" Zabuza said to himself. Ryūga smirked at the joke while Haku was neither here nor there.

Naruto arrived in front of a training field only to see his Sensei in a meditative state as he walked towards him to greet him. "I have returned with the new recruits, Sensei." He said while on one knee bowing his head.

Yoriichi has sensed him coming here opening his eyes he looked at his student and smiled "Welcome back Naruto my boy and good work. Zabuza and Haku are going to be good additions to the group. Now then onto the other matters, Tomomi has returned with the information provided by her spy network on Orochimaru and what he has been planning for konoha. Despite your resentment towards the village we must ensure that Konoha is safe." He said with a serious expression looking at Naruto.

Naruto though frowned a little at the mention of his former village but nodded nonetheless. "Also sensei like you had predicted we have run in with konoha shinobi. So I have given them the scroll like you wanted." He said to his Sensei.

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