Chapter 17- The prophecy

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Hamish looked at me with evil eyes as he carefully dropped the sword. All eyes were on me in that misty field.

"Victoria run!" Whispered Mina. 

I looked down at her seeing the panic in her eyes. However, I walked towards Ms. Weatherington who was staring at me with terror in her eyes.

Hamish lunged towards me and grabbed me by the arm. 

"What are you doing here?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Let her go." Said Ms. Weatherington.

Hamish looked at her and then back at me as I pulled my arm away from him.

"You can not kill this woman." I said sternly.

"And who are you to tell me?" He said.

"The Princess of this kingdom. I say whatever I please and you are not authorized to kill this woman." 

I looked at Ms. Weatherington and her husband  as they both were looking at Hamish.

He took his sword and threw it on the ground.

"You will not see the end of this do you hear?"

"And have you heard my prophecy?" Said Ms. Weatherington. 

"What prophecy? What are you a witch? You should be burned."

"She will be your destruction your Majesty. Please reconsider this union if you value your life."

As Ms. Weatherington spoke my hands were starting to shake more and more. With every word coming out of her mouth I felt a sense of pressure on my shoulders building. I was going to kill Hamish? A King?

"This union will not be off." He said.

"I will see you at the alter in three weeks time." He walked off as he said those last words.

He climbed onto his horse and road away as Mina started coming out from behind the log she was behind.

I looked at Ms. Weatherington.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She put both hands in front of her. 

"Victoria I can explain." She said.

"I believe you should."

"Please come with me and sit." She said pointing to the bundle of rocks in the corner of the field.  Mina came up from behind me grabbing me hand gently. I turned around to face her.

"You may go Mina, I will be back shortly."

She nodded and her and the man left as me and Ms. Weatherington walked towards the rocks and sat down.

"I think I owe you an explanation dear."

"I truly think you do."

She was stuttering which was unusual.

"Well my dear, it all started when you were very very young. I worked in the castle just like your friend Mina. I needed money to get started with what I loved to do which is create dresses. Then you were born, and we were allowed to come and see you. I remember when I saw you for the first time. You were beautiful and small. And then my vision went white and I saw you as you are now. The most beautiful woman in all the land. I thought it unusual so I went to bed. That night I had horrible dreams. Dreams of when you marry Hamish. I woke up begging the Lord to spare you, to save your life. I begged for years." She said placing her hands on mine.

"Nothing changed until the day I told you to go pick flowers for the pots. As I was sitting there sewing dresses my vision went white again and a voice told me you would be spared. You would survive, and you would not be with the King for much longer. I practically fell on the floor from gratitude. I sat there and thanked the Lord profusely, I then learned the reason when I saw the Prince of Spain in the closet."

"That still does not explain the man." I said.

"He is not my husband, Simon was my only husband, his name is Benjamin and he helps me deliver prophecies to those in need. You see, I am a white which, I do not have powers, I have stories to tell peoples, and with that people are given guidance in their lives. Heaven knows how grateful I was when you came into my shop that winter morning trying to hide from your mother." She chuckled.

I laughed with her.

"You see my dear, this is what I saw in my dreams, it is your decision now, prophecies can change based on actions." She said.

"You truly think I will kill the King?"

"I believe you will get the life you truly deserve." She said. 

Tears welded in my eyes as we embraced.

"What do I tell Antonio?"

"Tell him the truth, he will come save you." She said.

With that we both walked towards the castle where she met Benjamin and I Mina, I hugged her again as I watched her put her hood back on and walk off in the forest.

"What happened?" Asked Mina opening the back wooden door.

"Nothing in particular." I responded.

"I must inform you that the King has departed and your mother is furious you missed his departure." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "What else is new."

I then remembered I had to write the letter to Antonio. My eyes widened as I ran up the stairs into my room. 

Shutting the door behind me I sat down at my desk with a paper and pen unaware of what to write down first.

Dear Anto,

I hope you are receiving my letter well. Too much has happened since your departure. I am to marry the King in 3 weeks time. We unfortunately do not have much time. I trust and pray you will come save me like you said you would or else I will result in a horrible death. I miss you dearly, I do not find joy in anything anymore except for hopefully reuniting with you in the future. I pray you are safe and healthy, may heaven help us rejoice. 

Yours always, 


Signing my name at the bottom I carefully folded it up and placed it in an envelope. I walked downstairs and tried to find Wilson. I found him outside in the garden.

"Wilson!" I said.

He walked towards me swiftly.

"What can I do for you your Highness."

I handed him the letter. 

"I need this to be delivered at once."

He took it and examined it.

"I pray I can find confidence in you that you will get this to where it should be reached in secrecy."

He nodded.

"You have my word madam." He said as he bowed.

I watched him walk off with the letter in hand as I put my hands up to my stomach. I felt sick yet confident. 

Yours truly, AntoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora