Chapter 9- Lets dance

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The night was quiet and dark. I quickly made my way to my bedroom door and locked it. Closing the balcony door behind me I walked with him into the cold night air. 

"Now what?" I said. 

He went to the far right of my balcony and hoisted himself over to a nearby ledge. He signaled for me to come too.

I looked around to make sure no one was there before climbing over the balcony myself holding onto to the cobblestone in front of me for support.

"I am wearing heels by the way." I said.

"No one told you to." He winked.

He started shimmying along the castles ledge I following him closely until we got another balcony below us. He effortlessly jumped down. 

"Well what are you waiting for?" He said looking up at me.

"I am not jumping." I said.

"Are you just gonna stand there?"

"I am wearing heels!"

"Yes you made that perfectly clear. So what if you break an ankle?" He said laughing.

I took my shoes off before throwing one towards his head which he dodged.

Smug idiot 

I then jumped and landed on all fours.

He started laughing profusely which in theory made me laugh as well.

"You looked like a un gato." He said

"Shut up." 

Walking across the long bridge we went down the servants staircase to the outside where Diego was standing with....Mina. 

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

She was laughing. "Your highness, me and Diego are going dancing!" She said holding onto his arm.

"Just please do not cause a scene, we are not supposed to be out here." I said.

She nodded and Diego and her lead the way down the narrow path engulfed by trees.They were far ahead of us laughing and holding onto each other. It was nice to see Mina happy like that. She was so busy taking care of me, I never got to see her this happy. I then looked at Antonio to my left. He was quiet.

"So." I sighed. 

"So," he reiterated. 

"When are you headed back to Spain?"

"In a few days, as soon as Diego makes transportation ready for us."

"Are you excited to go back?" 

"Yes actually, I miss my family very much. I have a younger sister Maria and a younger brother Felix. My mother and father as well. They always disapprove of my travels yet they know how much it means to me to see the world before I settle down. Ever since I was young, they could barely contain me inside the castle and let alone the country."

"Hm, does that mean you're looking for someone?" I said, feeling a pit grow in my stomach.

He shook his head. "Only time will tell."

"Are you excited to marry the King?" He said.

"I have never wanted to die more actually. It is a horrible traitorous fate." I said.

"Then don't marry him."

I scoffed. "I have no choice."

"Run away then." 



We both looked at each other before he smiled and looked away. Before we knew it we were in the village. There was a dimly lit tavern in front of us. You could hear the blasting music from outside. There were friends and couples outside laughing and giggling as they drank. I had never seen the town so alive before, and at night. 

Yours truly, AntoWhere stories live. Discover now