Chapter 8- The village

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Despite going to bed late the other night, I woke up relatively early. 

It had been a quiet day with not much exciting news. My mother and father gushed over the King making sure he had everything he needed at all times. It was probably mostly from fear. I spent most my time away from the King. 

Later that afternoon I sat in the garden ripping leaves off a twig deliberating my fate. If I hated the man now what would I feel in the future? What if I loved another. 

Close to tears a figure emerged from the garden entrance. I jumped. He too put his hands up like Antonio did. 

"My apologies miss, I was just coming to deliver a message." He said.

His accent sounded Spanish like Antonios.

He was a little shorter than Antonio with long curly black hair that reached his shoulders. He had sharp facial features and tan skin.

I put my hand up to my heart relieved. 

"How can I help you?" I said standing up.

Before proceeding he bowed in front of me. 

"Diego your Highness." He said.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. 

"A pleasure." I said.

"His highness said to be ready tonight at 8."

"For what?" 

"I am not allowed to disclose information on his highness."

"But I am the Princess." I said

"And madam he is a Prince." He said winking before bowing again.

He started walking away. I followed.

"Where are we going? Why do I have to be ready?" 

He pulled a twig off a bush and put it in his mouth angling it the right of his cheek.

He shrugged. "His highness made it clear to only tell you to be ready at 8."

I huffed as I continued following him persisting with questions. 

He turned around to face me again hands on his hips.

"He did say you were one of a kind." He said.

I crossed my arms. "What else did he say?"

"One question at a time please."

"Where are we going tonight?" I said sternly. 

"Dancing." He said as he started walking away again.

Mina then came out from around the corner again and made eye contact with Diego.

"Hello there." He said smiling ear to ear.

She immediately started blushing as she started swaying back and forth. 

"Ugh." I said as I walked past them and back into the castle leaving them there conversing.  Maybe he can take Mina off my back.

Throughout the afternoon I played with my little siblings trying to enjoy my moments with them as much as possible. They were too little to understand why I was leaving. However, it would be better that way. 

Out of my six siblings, I am glad I was the one chosen to fulfill a duty. It made me feel needed but in retrospect it made me feel used. 

Later that evening we had a big dinner to once again celebrate the King's arrival and unfortunately the engagement. Hamish came in sniffing and looking around the room with a sneer on his face. Holding onto his kilt he came and sat next to me exhaling as everyone began eating.

"I do not like that color on you." He said. 

I was wearing a purple dress. I looked down at it and back at him.

He put him arm on my chair. 

"In Scotland, you will only wear green and red. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

He then grabbed my arm forcefully.

"I said do you understand."

"Yes." I whispered. 

He let go of my arm. "Good."

I tried to calm down but he noticed how much I was shaking when taking a sip out of my glass.

"You poor lamb." He said stroking my hair.

"Just because you're my wife does not mean I will not take measures with you. I am the King after all."

I set down my glass unable to swallow.

"I am sure you have heard of my reputation, and it is all true." He whispered in my ear. 

I did not say a word and that amused him. He laughed and slapped me on the back.

"Enjoy your dinner my dear, Scotland will make you thin."

My hands turned ice cold. I was already thin as it was, this man wanted me to be flesh and bone.

I stared down at my plate realizing what life will be like, how I never will be happy, and how I constantly live life for others. A tear rolled down my cheek.

I asked to be excused and went into my room. My face was red and tears were flowing down. I had never felt so trapped. My life felt like someone was playing with me like a puppet. 

I looked at the clock realizing the time. I changed out of the dress to a dark blue simple one and sat on the edge of my bed. Suprisingly, the only thing that was keeping me from losing my mind was seeing Antonio. I did not like that feeling. 

A few mere minutes later I heard a knock on my window. I looked up to see him there dressed in black waving at me while laughing. I smiled and went to open the balcony door. He got caught in the curtain.

"These damn curtains." He said trying to get them off of him. He placed his hands on his hips.

"You ready to go?" He said.


"The village." He said smiling. 

Yours truly, AntoWhere stories live. Discover now