Chapter 10: The end

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My ears flatten instantly as i stand there shaking, looking at Springtrap to make sure he is still conscious. "Okay..coast is clear..if you can hear me.. I need you to listen to me..I have a plan but I need you to play along..My Partner Nightmare and I will be placing you into a new body...Our ex needs "Springtrap" to die..So you will exist as a bear named Lefty..Unfortunately..In order to fool our ex We have to pretend to be Villians..and I had to kill have to understand this is the only way to save you..I left a note back at the house for your friends to read explaining everything..I'm sorry for making you stab yourself back there..but it had to be done..Your ex was in the room watching...He has cameras everywhere...even in the your old house...Everything will work out I promise..Please trust me on this.."

I start making my way over to the room again while carrying springtrap down the hallway before walking into the room. "..It's been done..Nightmare" The large bear walks over before gently picking up springtraps now limp body, before removing a chip from his head before speaking "...Alright hun..Hopefully this works..and if it does, We will finally be able to put an end to all of this.." He walks over to a storage closet before opening it to reveal a black bear animatronic with a star on its chest. "Its a little..project I've been working on" He said before dragging it out and placing it on the table before putting springtrap's memory chip inside, waiting a few hours before He finally turns back on.  Springtrap slowly starts to stand up, clearly still in a daze as he scans the room looking a quick way to escape,before Nightmare walks over and places a hand on his shoulder, a weak smile on his face as he continued speaking once more "Listen..Springtrap-...or perhaps  i should call you by your new name now....Lefty..You will be working for me here inside of this First order of business...You'll see your boyfriend again soon I promise..Play along with our plan for a few weeks okay? Your ex will be dealt with soon..Your friends and I will be working together to make sure of it..Rest up now..we have a long month ahead of us..get ready..As long as we stick to the plan everything should work out as expected...For what it's worth, I'm sorry things had to end up this way.....Little Buddy....I understand if you don't trust us, and you're free to leave if you want, but just know that if you do..He will kill you..."

                      ***Leftys Pov***
It was been about about a month since they brought me here.. Their little plan backfired.. I was killed for no reason.

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that I was unable to speak, My head has been killing me for hours now. I don't care what their point was in bringing me here.. I don't trust them, not even for a second..I've been texting Funtime Foxy from my Fazwatch they left on my other body..Just the sight of it scares me..This new body does have some perks though, It's waterproof and can go along time without shutting down..The only down side is there is this constant voice in my head.
He calls himself "The Puppet"..I sigh before noticing an open window nearby, it's been thundering outside for the past few days now..I told Foxy where I was..Tonight i will be getting out of here, I pull my fazwatch from my pocket and check my messages.

                      ***Crew chat***

Funtime Foxy: Alright, everything is in order. I'll be pulling up in 5 minutes. Don't let them see you.

Lefty: I can't thank you enough for doing this..

Funtime Foxy: You're my best friend dude..I'm just glad you're safe.. And so is Freddy.

Lefty: How has he been?..

Funtime Foxy: You can ask him yourself

Lefty: What do you mean?..

Funtime Foxy: You didn't think I'd come alone, did ya?


Baby: Gonna kick their asses!!!

Funtime Freddy: This has been the longest month of my life..

Ballora: Hey dear?..Why is your name Lefty? Is that your dominant hand?

Lefty: ...They never left a note..did they?

Funtime Freddy: No? Unless cloud ate it..Hey! At least now you can see your family again!!

I can feel myself about to cry just reading that message before heading a car beep outside. I quickly climb through the window as I hear them banging on the door behind me, I thought ahead to block it earlier..good riddance..The first thing I see when I climb out is the cloudy gray sky's as the thunderstorm continues, my phone vibrating in my pocket as I start to pick it up, before being tackled to the ground by a white blur of fur. Funtime Freddy's ears are down as he looks at me "W...What did they do to you?..are you hurt?!..I-i thought i would... never see you again.." I pulled him into a tight hug as he started sobbing. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be able to talk to him.
Soon after I'm being carried into the car by Ballora and placed into the front seat shaking. "Alright, dear... Tell us what happened.." I look over to ballora. "....Springtrap?" I heard baby call my name from the backseat, I could only nod in response. Unable to cry at the moment, the adrenaline still In effect.
I pull out my phone to type once again.

Lefty: It's a long story..I was killed by Echo..or Glitchtrap..And brought here over a month ago, His boss/Partner Nightmare put me into this new body in the hopes of Tricking S.Freddy Into believing I was dead and they brought my old body to him..It didn't work, But I guess he was satisfied anyway? After that, they started becoming angry..They had done everything up to that moment in the hopes the plan will succeed..Glitchtrap and Nightmare told me their new plan last night..Tonight they are going to reset everything...I'm going to remain in this Body..So when everything is rewritten..My ex will already think I'm gone..and...I found out..He Killed...My family.....They are gone now..and I never got to say goodbye..not that I can even speak in this body..I was never given a voice box...It's been Hell..Until Foxy messaged me a few weeks ago..Yenndo had found this place while searching for me in the forest...And guys know the rest...

I put my phone down and leaning my head back on the seat, Trying to shut the puppets voice out of my head...All night he has been telling me something about this is off..That it was way too easy to get away...Maybe he was right after all, ..I have a feeling this is just the beginning...This is far from over.

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