Chapter 7: The Plan

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Freddy decided to wake me up earlier than usual today- and by wake me up I mean him and BonBon stood over my bed and stared at me with puppy dog eyes until I finally got dare they use my one weakness against me. "Fine..I'm up okay? Now stop looking at me like that..Why am I being woken up at-" I grab my phone from the bedside table in Freddy's room and turn it on- immediately blinding myself
"OW FUCK..Freddy, Sunshine, Love of my life and my main reason to wake up everyday..Care to tell me what you woke me up at 2 IN THE MORNING?!"

I can't even stay mad at him for more than a second as I hear him giggling as he helps me put my jacket on and practically drag me upstairs to the lobby supply closet. "Hehehe okay okay! Here's the best part!" I look around the dark room "A dark closet?-" He grabs a Flashlight from a shelf and turns it on, Covering the top at first to not blind us before he starts walking to a...ladder?

I stand there for a few seconds deciding it
"C-come on slowpoke! Hehehe you're gonna miss ittt!~" His tail wags as he climbs up the ladder to where I'm assuming is the roof, Once I make sure he's safely up there I carefully follow behind, Not sure now is a good time to tell him I have a fear of heights as I scramble up the ladder and onto the roof, Seeing Freddy's smile immediately calming me down.

"HEHHE YAY YOU MADE ITT!!" He hugs me suddenly, almost knocking me off the roof from the force of it, But I hug back anyways just happy to be able to spend time with him like this "Alright hun..Why did you bring me up here?" I place my hand on his cheek so I can look at him better "Hehehehehe welll~ Look up silly!!"

I smile softly from his excitement as I look up, immediately noticing how bright the stars are tonight. "Oh wow...this is beautiful.." My tail wags as I lay down on the roof to look at them better " are.." I can't hear Freddy that well due to how strong the winds are this early in the morning. "Hm? Did you say something?" I look over at him and see he's been looking at me.

"Y-yeah..I-i said you...are beautiful.." He says before laying down beside me and holding my hand gently. "I-i...Fuck that's adorable..You're adorable." I smile as I lay my head on his shoulder as we look at the stars together.

BonBon climbs out of Freddy's hoodie pocket "You Two are so gayyyyy- Good for youuuuu!!" Freddy looks down at BonBon "How did you-" Bonbon cut him off before he could even finish "You grabbed me and shoved me in there thinking I was your phone." Freddy sighs before looking back up at the stars "And why didn't you say anything until now?"

BonBon giggles a little before climbing into my Hoodie pocket next. "Because I was comfortableeee hehehe plus I was going through your gallery, you have some veryyyy interesting photos of yourself and some I gladly put a small censor over before sending them to Springtrap here!~"

Freddy freezes for a few moments "Y-you didn't- actually send..those...did you?" Bonbon peeks his head out of my pocket before answering him, a sly smile on his face "Oh I did- I'm sure your boyfriend here won't mind seeing Them, isn't that right Springtrap?...Anddd he's already looking at them...speaking of, Why did we start calling him that?

Freddy sits up a bit, thinking for a few moments "Well..We all agreed that since when his ex uses his real name, it makes him uncomfortable. But if we started calling him that again we can help him get comfortable with us, plus he told us he doesn't mind since it's us"

BonBon climbs onto Freddy's head "He's been looking at that one photo pretty intently you know!~ also- Are you going to tell him about your plan for later?" Freddy sighs, taking a moment to gather his thoughts "Y-yeah..I plan on properly asking him out on a date..I-i think he might like the Arcade, O-or bowling..Or maybe ice cream!" Bonbon stares at Freddy "Why don't you do alll of them then" BonBon Said in a joking manner.

"T-that's a great idea!!" Freddy sits up and quickly climbs down the ladder in excitement, ready to start planning while leaving Springtrap and BonBon on the roof.
"I was...Joking...Alright Springboi, Lets see if we can head back to sleep...Spring?....PUT THE PHONE DOWNNNN" BonBon Grabs the phone and heads back downstairs quickly.

"Hm? Oh- okay then..this is fine" I look at my polaroid camera I brought with me, Taking out a photo I took of Freddy looking at the stars when he was distracted..Fuck he's adorable..I smile a little as I make my way down the ladder, turning off the light before walking back to Freddy's room, laying on the bed read to go back to sleep..Before ballora opens the curtains
"HISSSS THE LIGHTTTTT, IM MELTINGGGG!!! MELTINGGG!!" I wrap myself up in the covers and fall onto the floor.

"..Dear it's 9 am, You were on the roof for up to 6 hours-" She walks over and just removes the covers. "Mom noooooo- I wannnnna sleeeep" She just stands there and stares at me. "Your boyfriend is attempting to make breakfast for you- please don't let him burn my kitchen down" I get up and run to the kitchen, Tripping over Bonnet on the way there for the 3rd time this month alone. "IMMMMMMMMM HERE-" Only to find Freddy just sitting at the table talking with Baby, His tail wagging like crazy.

"Oh! So nowwww you wake upppp, lazybones-" Baby stands up, walking over and slapping cheese on my head. "...Why though-" Just to be met with silence "She thought you'd do that thing from the cat meme- or something" Freddy turns around before grabbing the cheese from my head and throws it on BonBon. "Kinda like that-"

I stand there speechless before sneaking behind Freddy and hugging him. "Hiii!!" He stands there before his tail gives away his mood. "Hehehe H-hi!! Did you sleep well?" Just the mention of sleep makes me tired. "Nooo- I um- kinda stayed on the roof once you left, I had a nice conversation with Foxy up there though, Mostly about him wanting to go to the movies with everyone eventually-" Just the mention of movies had Foxy running through the hallway, immediately crashing into Baby who was standing in the doorway. "I. HAVE. BEEN. SUMMONED!!!- Oh hi baby!"

Safe to say after half an hour Baby still has a bump on her head- That's what she gets for throwing cheese at me! I had to take an hour long shower just to get the smell off of me- Luckily now I smell like Freddy since I borrowed his Cinnamon scented body wash. I stand there in the bathroom again looking at the mirror at my reflection. "..My hairs gotten longer-" I walk out of the bathroom, my hair now covering my eyes as I walk into a wall, before falling down the stairs a few moments later, being caught by Foxy.

"That's dude-" He puts me down before looking at my hair, "Of course buddy! Oh has Freddy spoken to you yet? He's been pacing around the living room for the past half an hour-" I guess that's my cue "thanks! I'll go see what he needs" I start walking to the living room, wondering why Freddy couldn't just have texted me, We do have phones and Fazwatches for that very reason- although I muted mine due to Handunit constantly talking my ear off, and my ex spamming me last night telling me to kill myself as usual, so nothing new there.

I find Freddy right where Foxy said he would be "Hey Cap'n? What's on your mind hun?" Freddy stops walking, turning around the second he hears me. "Hey Bug! Hehehe I um- H-have a question I've been wanting to ask you-" I walk into the room and sit on the bean bag chair "Oh? And what's that? He walks over and sits on the chair next to me, playing with his hoodie string nervously.

"W-would you..L-like to go out on a date with me later?"

Stay With Me (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora