Chapter 5: BEACH DAY!

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The Sound of Thunder wakes me up around 2pm, I sit there for a few moments, processing what I'm hearing before slowly standing up, The fur on my face still matted down from the restless night I had from the sleepover in Freddy's room, smiling softly as i remembered the events of last night, The board games..Movie night..being able to fall asleep next to Freddy..My tail wags slowly as i head to the bathroom, quickly washing up for the day before walking over to the elevator still half asleep almost tripping over Bonbon in the process.

Meanwhile baby and the others are already in the main lobby right near the front door. My day immediately getting better the second I see Freddy and being able to see his smile for the first time today, My mood improving instantly. "Oh! Good morning, guys!" I walk over to where they are all standing."It is 2pm- it is wayyy past morning. " I look over at yenndo. "Oh.." My ears lowering slightly, feeling bad for sleeping so long, cheering up a little as Freddy put his hand on my head, gently petting me, something I haven't been used to in a while now.

Ballora walks over a few minutes later, handing me a towel and shark patterned bathing suit with a small smile on her face. "Good morning dear, Head to the bathroom and put these on for me, okay?"
I smile softly in return before heading off to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror except.. My reflection is a bit off, A dark bunny is there instead, mimicking my moves, causing me to panic and punch the mirror, Noticing a huge gash on my hand as i look towards the now shattered mirror,I get dressed quickly, making sure to wrap my hands up in bandages from the first aid kit hanging right above the towels, before turning around and looking back at the mirror once more, yet to my suprise and utter disbelief the Bunny is still there, still watching me.

"H-hey Bug! Are you alright in there? I-its been 30 minutes. " I heard a familiar voice call out from behind the door, causing me to open the door immediately and hug him, shaking slightly. "S-sorry! I was um.. having trouble putting the bathing suit on - but! All is good now. " I look up at him before noticing he also has a shark bathing suit on. "O-Oh! Heh..L-looks like we M-match.." I giggle a little at his response. "Looks like we do Cap'n! Now, Hehehe, let's head back to the others!...Race ya!" My Tail wags as I Sprint down the hallway towards the door, quickly followed by Funtime Freddy looking back at him for a second before watching as he runs ahead of me and out the door to the car.

"Geez, he's fast - also FREDDY BE CAREF-" I slipped and trip almost falling into a puddle before being picked up by Freddy and carried to the car. ".. You got to me. Prettyyyy quickly heh.." Yenndo peeks his head out of the window "You should have seen it from here dude, He turned around and full on sprinted towards you..Kinda like in that one anime BonBon and Baby showed me" I look up at Freddy and notice his face is red..He can't be blushing can he?..Nahh probably just my eyes playing tricks on me.

I flinch a bit as Freddy places me in the passengers seat and takes the seat behind me next to Yenndo and the others. "We have everything and everyone here, right?" Ballora looks through the Drivers mirror just to make sure before lolbit pipes up."I-i don't mean to ask a dumb question, but why are we going to the beach in the rain?" The car becomes silent for a few minutes before ballora speaks up again. "Because Dear, I had promised Funtime Freddy and Graves I'd take them to the beach today, besides a little rain never hurt anyone"

Lolbit sighs before shaking their head and sitting up "N-no I mean Ballora, We are waterproof right?..Graves isn't. And yes, Graves, I can see you're in pain right now. Your nose has been twitching for the past 10 minutes.." They lean up to make sure the others besides ballora and funtime freddy cant hear "plus.. I know your scars are sensitive. "

I turn to look at them, not expecting to be called out on it before leaning back in my seat, looking out the window and sighing "Hey no need to worry about me, okay? I'll be oka-" My sentence being cut short by Funtime Freddy leaning over and putting his shirt onto me "T-there...I won't let anything hurt you..N-not even rain.."

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