Chapter Sixty-Three

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September 2016

THE WORLD SUDDENLY COMES ALIGHT AS MAYA FEELS A PAIR OF HANDS violently rattling her shoulders, "Maya?! Hello?!"

Something heavy droops behind her eyes, a deep grogginess she can't shake. Maya gasps, deeply sucking in air as she coughs, hacking. The dryness in her mouth is searing, and she struggles to peel her eyes open, croaking out a barely audible, "W-what?"

"Where the fuck have you been?!" Clary's angry tone cuts through the silence around them, an annoyed yell that seems to reverbrate throughout the room. Maya winces, flinching away from the sound. Her head feels like someone's whacked it with the back end of a broom and she stirs, slightly, her limbs almost lead-locked to the soft covers beneath her, "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"Argh..." Maya groans, hacking forth a cough once more. The air is unnaturally thick as she wheezes, her chest heaving before slumping onto her side, curling back into the pillow at her side, "Fuck....I can't...."

"God, you're plastered." Clary scoffs. Maya feels a cool, small hand pressed to her cheeks and chin before drawing back, "And warm as hell. Jesus, how much did you drink?!"

"Drink?" The word feels foreign to her own ears as her head sways, nausea rising within her. Maya slurs, softly, burying her face back into the pillow, "Huh?"

"Fuck, do you even know what's going on at this point?" Clary sighs, frustrated and Maya's head spins as she groans into the pillow. There's a deep, sore sense of exhaustion settled deep into her bones, and she hisses, slowly untangling her legs, "Wait a second."

Clary's footsteps fade away, and every movement feels like she's being crucio-d as Maya slowly moves, whimpering at the searing pain in her muscles as she drags herself up by her elbows. Then, Clary's arms gently pull her up the rest of the way, carefully sitting her up against the headboard before pressing a glass of water to her lips, "Drink up first. You're probably dehydrated as hell."

Little by little, Maya manages small sips of water, and the dryness coating her mouth dissipates slightly, causing a sigh of relief to escape her lips, "Fuck." She eventually pushes Clary's hand away, panting as she draws her knees up to her chest before resting her head on them. A long exhale escapes her lips as she tries to grab her bearings, "What-what's going on?"

"What do you think?" Clary laughs, though the irritation in her tone is palpable, "One minute, you're dancing with Diana and I. The next, you disappear to get some air and I can't find you anywhere. Then, I find you passed out on in our dorm completely out of it at four in the morning after scouring the castle-"

"Okay, stop...stop." Maya croaks out, groaning as she rests her head against the headboard behind her, leaning back. She sighs, softly, weakly reaching up with one hand to brush some hair out of her face, "I'm not....awake enough for this."

"What the fuck happened?" Diana's voice suddenly booms into the room, the sound of the door flying open on it's hinges making Maya wince, "What?! She was here all along?!"

"Don't know how she managed to get back, even." Clary mutters, "Maya's so drunk."

"I'm not drunk." Maya groans out, her head spinning again, "I didn't - I didn't have anything."

"Uh huh." Sarcasm drips from Diana's tone as Maya finally manages to open her eyes. Clary's curled into the bed next to her, and the faint outline of the Hufflepuff's tall body is visible as she closes the door, the moonlight streaming in from the windows, "That's why you're hungover as hell?"

"I'm not-" Maya coughs, hacking again as Clary pats her back, "I'm not hungover."

"Sure." Diana rolls her eyes as Maya's own water, "And I'm a goody two-shoes."

in the end ~ d. malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now